Excalibur [4]

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To say Arwen wasn't worried would be a bold faced lie. Even saying she was worried and admitting to it still felt like an understatement in her mind. As she paced by the entrance of the battlegrounds, waiting for her brother who was currently helping the Prince get ready for his fight with the Black Knight, Arwen's mind continued to conjure up all the things that could go wrong today.

Yes, Arthur now had a sword forged in the Dragon's breath, a sword capable of defeating both the living and the dead, but they couldn't rely only on the sword itself. The Wraith was an aggressive and skilled opponent, that much had been seen already. Arthur still needed to overpower him. She did not doubt that the Prince had the skill to do so, but her worry still managed to get the best of her. And Arwen truly thought it couldn't go any higher. Until she saw the man approaching the battle grounds.

"What the bloody hell?" She whispered, more to herself than Gaius beside her, or worse the King as he approached. In his hand, the sword was held in a firm grip. A sword that was meant for Arthur. A sword they had promised would only be wielded by Arthur. Arwen feared to think of what may happen should Uther somehow come to know of the power the sword possessed. She watched with fear and worry, trying to conceal them from her face, as Uther came to stand before the Wraith.

While Arwen had only one encounter with the Dragon beneath Camelot, one thing was more than clear. The creature hated Uther, it hated him with a burning passion. And now Arwen did not only fear for the outcome of this duel, but also for what may happen once Kilgharrah discovered Merlin's promise was broken.

"You can have what you came for. The father, not the son." Uther spoke to the Wraith, obviously aware of the secret behind the appearance of the Dark Knight and his presence in the last days. Arwen looked to Gaius, sure she did not have to ask to confirm he was the one who had told him.

"What is he doing?" She still questioned, looking back towards the palace, her mind running a mile a minute. Where was Merlin? And where was Arthur? She doubted he would just sit back while his father fought a duel he had challenged. Arthur's will to fight this day was quite clear.

"He has decided to fight in Arthur's place. He knows that the Knight is a Wraith, he is willing to make that sacrifice." Gaius explained in short, not answering all of her questions, but still enough.

"No, no, no..." She whispered to herself, wishing she could somehow stop all of this from happening. However, as she watched a knight take off Uther's cloak, and as the King placed his helmet upon his head, Arwen knew there was nothing she could do. Not anymore.

And only seconds later, their swords started to swing. The clash of metal echoed around the grounds. The Black Knight was quick to attack, wasting no time on hesitation or mind games. He went right for the kill. Arwen's eyes were stuck watching the fight, but once she spotted movement on her other side, her head turned, a questioning look in her eyes mixed with scolding as she spoke.

"Merlin, what the hell happened?" She asked in a sharp whisper, unwilling to risk anyone overhearing what they both had to say.

"He insisted, there was nothing I could do." Merlin was quick to explain, his own tone worried and desperate as his eyes refused to move away from the battle for more than a second.

"Merlin, you promised." Arwen couldn't hold back the worry from seeping into her voice this time. If there was one creature they should not make an enemy of, it most certainly was the Dragon. Even chained beneath the castle, Arwen feared what it may do when angered.

"I know." There was nothing he could say, nothing he could do. He knew his mistake, but he swore to himself that he would be the one to bear its consequences. Whatever they may be. Arwen would not get dragged into the outcome of what may happen today.

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