The Coming of Arthur [3]

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Days had passed, each one much the same as the last. Trapped and locked away, Arwen wasn't allowed to see or speak to anyone aside from Morgana herself. The only other interactions she's had being with the guards who continued to watch her, escorting her back and forth time after time. And each time, the conversation was the same.

Each time she saw her, Arwen refused Morgana. She continued to fight back and turn down whatever Morgana would offer her. Her words remained the same. Prairene stood with Arthur. She stood with Arthur. Wherever he was. Whatever he was doing. She continued to hold on to hope.

But with every visit that the 'Queen' paid her, it was getting harder and harder. Knowing that the nice approach Morgana was using wouldn't last forever. The pendant around her neck began to weigh her down like a brick or stone. Pulling and pulling until she would be forced to bend. And taking it off didn't help. The feeling was still there.

Regret and betrayal loomed over her in every moment as she was left to think and wonder how she could have been so foolish. Wondering how they'd gotten to this point. And what she'd even done to be on its receiving end. And the only interruptions to those thoughts were whenever she would hear the lock on her door clicking.

She wasn't sure what it would be this time. It was too soon for her usual meeting with Morgana, and lunch had already passed. She supposed she should be grateful to have it better than she suspected those in the cells did. Than the likes of Uther were forced to endure at Morgana's hand. But every time, she remembered the strings attached.

"Queen Morgana has requested you be brought to her." The guard's statement had Arwen wondering about the change. Since that first time when she humiliated her, Morgana had ensured there would be no more witnesses to Arwen's acts of rebellion. Each time, the woman came to the chambers where she was being kept, those four walls Arwen had come to be awfully familiar with.

But she didn't question it, knowing it would be a waste of time. "She's not a queen." Arwen simply said as the men grabbed onto her arms and led her out into the halls. Noting every hall and corner they turned down it wasn't long before she realized she was being taken to the balcony overlooking the square. And it made her heart race. Why would Morgana wish to see her somewhere so public? Why take such a risk?

"My lady, I'm glad you could join us." Morgana said, the smirk on her face making the unease within Arwen only grow as the guards' grip on her tightened once she stood at the balcony, looking out to the people gathered around.

"You think an audience will change anything, Morgana? It won't." Arwen said sharply, refusing to show any of the fear that she was feeling. But the words changed nothing on Morgana's face. And to make it worse, Morgause seemed to find it even more amusing as she gave out a laugh at her sister's side.

"Now, now." Morgana tutted. "You'll understand everything, but you have to wait your turn." The dark-haired woman explained. "If I've learned anything during my reign thus far, it's that patience is a virtue all rulers should possess. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Bring out the first group!" Morgause called out down into the square, both of them turning away from Arwen, leaving her standing a little bit behind them but still more than capable of seeing what was going on below. And she watched as knights of Camelot were brought out, lined up and forced to stand as a firing squad poised their crossbows across them.

"I will give you one more chance to pledge your allegiance to me!" Morgana called out to the knights below, their defiant eyes only then turning to look up at her. Among them, Arwen recognized Leon as his eyes met hers, an apologetic gleam shining through them for a short moment before he focused on Morgana once more.

Defiantly, he smirked up at her, ready to meet his fate. "Long live the King!" He called back, standing strong and proud among his fellow knights, all of whom simply watched the archers and silently waited, none of them saying anything or trying to distance themselves from Leon's claims of defiance.

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