The Coming of the Queen [2]

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As the days passed along, it wasn't too long before all of Camelot knew of the news and the upcoming peace treaty. Walking through the markets and streets of the lower town with Gwen and Mycah beside her, Arwen could barely take a step without hearing a new set of voices discussing the topic. Opinions rang through the streets, some good and others bad, but whatever the opinion there wasn't a single soul unwilling to share it.

"It is slightly amusing; you have to admit." Mycah commented once the three women stepped through the door of Gwen's house. "All of them wondering about your opinion on the matter, not even realizing who it is they're actually asking." With so many people commenting on the development, it wasn't too much of a surprise many wondered of Arwen's own opinions whenever they ran into her.

"I just hope they remember how much they cared for my opinion once it's all out in the open too." The redhead couldn't help but share some of her worry as she and Gwen set their baskets atop the table.

"The people love you, Arwen. They'll remember all the good you've done for them." Gwen reassured her friend.

"Thank you, Gwen." Arwen smiled over at her in gratitude, hoping more than anything that her words would prove true in the end. But not wanting to put any more of a damper on their day with her concerns, she was quick to change the topic. "I adore the fabric you've bought, I must say. Is it for something specific?"

"Oh, I'm so glad you like it." A wide smile now spread over Gwen's face, looking awfully relieved and making Mycah and Arwen share a confused look between themselves.

"Why does it matter so much what we think?" Mycah couldn't help but ask, ready to scold Gwen for caring so much about the opinions of others when it comes to her choices in life.

"Well... I've, uh, I've been working on something." Gwen revealed vaguely.


"I do admit, your dresses have grown in their lavishness as time has gone on but nothing you currently have really amounts to the clothes of a queen." She rushed out before she managed to lose her nerve. "No offence."

"None taken," Arwen said with a small laugh. "But I do want to know what that is leading to exactly?"

"I'm making you a dress. A beautiful one." Gwen said happily. "And maybe I should have brought it up before. I thought it might be a good surprise but then I realized how you'd probably have something of your own made and while I know how to make such dresses, I used to make plenty for..." For a moment, Gwen paused again, but still, everyone knew whose name she'd meant to say.

"Gwen, you don't have to-"

"And before you complain about the money I've spent; I haven't actually spent any of my own." Gwen interrupted her, knowing where she was going with her words and reassuring her on the matter before she could even finish. "Edmund gave it to me with the same idea in mind." She revealed. "But if you don't like it, it won't matter. It's at least a good way to pass the time now that I have so much more of it than I used to."

"Mycah, can you give us a moment alone?" Seeing as opportunity which Arwen had been waiting for presented itself, her green eyes turned to Mycah for a moment as she made her request.

"Of course, your highness." The blonde said with a smile, knowing what was coming unlike Gwen as she exited the home and gave the two friends some privacy.

"Gwen, first of all, I'm sure whatever you make I'll adore." Arwen said in a happy tone, taking Gwen's hand and leading over to the bench so they could sit down together. "And secondly, what you said about your free time, I was hoping to speak to you about it."

"Alright." Gwen said, the look on her face growing somewhat confused as she began to suspect whatever Arwen had to say would be of some importance from the way she was behaving.

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