The Curse of Cornelius Sigan [2]

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Both Gaius and Arwen spent a long night, focusing on a multitude of books and scrolls in an attempt to translate the message from Sigan's tomb. But no matter how much they searched, they continued to come up with no results. And since Uther had shot down Gaius' attempt to warn the King of what it truly was that was hidden below the castle, their research had to be done in their own time.

So when they were summoned to Morgana's chambers early the next morning, Gaius and Arwen had to part from their books and make their way across the castle. Arwen felt terrible knowing that Morgana was once again troubled by nightmares throughout the night, especially since the last remedy they'd given her had been working for months now.

"What was this dream about?"Gaius questioned the ward, sitting on the edge of her bed while Arwen occupied the other side, her hand rubbing Morgana's back comfortingly.

"A bird." Morgana said shortly, either trying to remember what she'd seen or still troubled by it, so much so that she didn't really wish to speak about it at the time.

"What kind of bird?" Gaius, however, seemed rather curious, his mind leading him down a specific path that Arwen hadn't yet reached.

"A raven."

But at that, the red head's eyes turned towards her mentor curiously. They'd been staring at a crest of a raven for the last couple of days, wondering what havoc it might bring upon them and now Morgana was dreaming of the exact same bird? It seemed too much of a coincidence to truly be one.

But Gaius continued to act oblivious. "A raven?"

"It was terrifying." Morgana added, the fear creeping back into her voice as she glanced between the physicians. Pulling her closer, Arwen let the dark haired woman lean against her, silently reminding her that the dream was over and she was safe now. "What do you think it means?"

"Probably nothing." Gaius tried to dismiss, and Arwen had to agree with his choice. The dream alone was already troubling Morgana enough, adding their theories onto it would only make it worse. They couldn't do so unless they were certain she wasn't just dreaming of it because she too had seen it. The mind was more than capable of playing such tricks.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" But even with Gaius' attempts at reassurance, Morgana was having a hard time believing it was all so simple.

"Morgana, one raven doesn't mean that your nightmares are returning." Gaius comforted. "Are you taking the sleeping draughts I prepared for you?" He continued on, hoping to switch the subject, watching as Morgana nodded her head in confirmation.

"I'll get Gwen to give you something stronger." He still announced, starting to stand from the bed, but not before sending Arwen a subtle look, one that let her know she should stay and attempt to make Morgana relax.

"Like a blow to the head?" Morgana questioned sardonically, taking note of the look she received from Gaius in response. "I'm sure she wants to."

Gaius spoke a few more reassuring words, promising Morgana that he'd prepare a new draught for her by tonight before he left the chambers, Morgana and Arwen now alone on the bed.

"If you want to try getting some more rest, I can stay here with you." Arwen offered. The lack of sleep was visible on Morgana's face, and she wanted the Lady to feel like she could rest some more if she wanted to. Arwen would be there no matter what happened.

But that wasn't what Morgana wished for. "No, I can't sleep anymore. Not right now."

Luckily, Arwen had other ideas and methods to distract Morgana and brighten her mood. "Then let's get your mind of off it. I have some free time and it's been ages since we took one of our trips to the markets." She suggested, watching as a smile almost instantly lit up the Ward's face.

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