Lancelot [3]

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"Well, here we are. Your final challenge. Succeed and you join the elite. Fail and your journey ends here. Lancelot, fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria..."

Gwen, Merlin and Arwen stood on the edge of the training grounds watching on nervously as they hoped for this to turn out in Lancelot's favour. With the new rising threat to Camelot in the form of the beast attacking the villages around the kingdom, Arthur had pushed Lancelot's final test to that morning and once the time came they all gathered there to support him.

"Your time starts now." Arthur proclaimed once the time keeper turned the hourglass at the edge of the field. With Arthur's final words, both men put on their helmets, preparing themselves for the fight which would determine Lancelot's position once and for all.

They stood opposing each other, their swords drawn and waiting until Lancelot made the first move. Both of them fought and each time Lancelot delivered a good blow or managed to gain the upper hand Arwen found her smile widening with happiness and pride. As the duel went on, Lancelot attempted to swing at Arthur, who ducked out of the way making him miss the blow.

Seeing this Gwen let out a small gasp, her hand clutching on to Merlin's shirt while her eyes did not move from the field. Merlin's own hand went to cover hers as they watched the fight in excitement. Arwen, while primarily focused on the fight between Lancelot and the Prince had of course noticed it and made a note to point it out at a later time. Now they had to focus on more important things.

So Arwen's eyes remained focused on the fight, her hands going up to her mouth as she gasped in surprise once Arthur managed to deliver a blow to Lancelot which sent his helmet into the air while he fell back to the ground and seemed to stay laying there unconscious from the blow.

"No." The red head whispered to herself in surprise. She had been so sure he could do it. Her blue eyes widened as she watched Arthur move towards Lancelot, muttering how much of a shame it was that he had lost as he prepared to remove his flag. But to everyone's surprise, Lancelot had planned this, and once he felt Arthur reach for the piece of cloth he moved quickly, sending the Prince off of his feet and to the ground while he himself rose back to his feet. Taking hold of his fallen sword, Lancelot pointed it at Arthur below him.

"Do you submit Sire?" Lancelot asked boldly, bringing a happy smile to the faces of his friends who had for a short moment before believed he had lost his chance of fulfilling his dream of becoming a knight. But now that he had not only lasted the required amount of time but even managed to best Arthur that dream seemed like it would become a reality quite soon.

However, guards were quick to grab Lancelot and drag him away from the Prince, giving Arthur a chance to get back on his feet and grab his sword which he had previously stuck into the ground as he had thought the fight to be over.

"To your knees!" Arthur instructed, and the guards forced Lancelot to the ground.

"What is he doing?" Arwen questioned, subconsciously taking a step forward, ready to defend Lancelot. Merlin was quick to act as he grabbed hold of his sister before she did something she would regret and land herself into trouble. And as he maintained his hold on her, she could only watch what happened next.

 And as he maintained his hold on her, she could only watch what happened next

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