Beauty and the Beast [1]

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On a particularly sunny morning, Arwen could be found collecting things into her basket, ointments, medicine, and ingredients alike. She was nearly ready to do her rounds and distribute the needed medicine among the lords and ladies within the palace. She didn't leave, however, before Merlin walked into the main room of the physicians' chambers from the bedroom, grumbling about Gaius waking him so early on one of his rare mornings off.

"Why can't you bother Arwen to carry around your pots?" He questioned Gaius while pulling on his jacket, the expression on his face showing just how displeased he was with having more chores pushed on him.

"Because Arwen is no longer an apprentice, but a physician. She has her own duties and patients to tend to." Gaius reminded, his words making Arwen laugh as she walked towards her brother.

"Hear that Merlin? I'm a big important physician." She teased him, her hand reaching up and messing with his hair, making him glare towards her as he let out a few silent curses.

"Doesn't mean you can't collect pots." He finally retaliated.

"Oh, poor Merlin." Arwen pouted at him mockingly, her voice sounding as if she were speaking to a baby. "Are the pots too heavy for you? Do you need the help of a girl?" She continued to question, doing her best not to burst out laughing while Gaius watched the two with an amused smile on his own face.

"If you wish to escape her taunts, I am ready to leave." The older physician announced to the boy, who by this point, eagerly headed for the door. Pots were better than his sister, it would seem. The speed at which he walked out had both Gaius and Arwen laughing at him as the former followed leaving Arwen alone in the chambers again. She made quick work of collecting the last of her things before she too made her way out into the castle.

Much of her morning was taken up with new and old patients alike, checking on those with chronic conditions as well as a few cases of fever that had spread among the palace staff, luckily, none were too serious. By the time she was done, she realized she'd been quicker than she expected and decided to use the time she had to spare to go and pay a visit to her friend.

Arwen made her way through the halls to the Lady Morgana's chambers, about to knock on the door once she reached it only for it to open before she could. Standing on the other side, balancing a basket of laundry on her hip, Gwen gave a small jump at the sight of Arwen. "Oh lord, you scared me." The maid scolded, but the smile on her face made it clear she wasn't too bothered. "I take it you're here to see Morgana?"

"Well, the both of you really. But I won't keep you if you have more pressing matters." Arwen answered her friend's questions, making Gwen give out a small breath of relief.

"I forgot about these yesterday. Hopefully Esme at the kitchens won't scold me too badly." She revealed to Arwen honestly, making the redhead laugh in amusement. "Go on in, you can keep Morgana company while I'm away."

"I'd be my pleasure." Arwen said with a smile, adding a promise that she and Gwen too would have to find some spare time for themselves as she held the door for the woman open so she could exit without struggling too much due to the basket in her hands.

"You picked the perfect time. Make sure to close the door." Morgana greeted her friend with a pleased smile, making Arwen's brows furrow but she did as she was told before making her way further into the room.

"Why? What's happening?" She asked curiously, standing at the table as she watched Morgana walk over to one of the cupboards on the other side of the room after snagging a key from her bedside table.

"I managed to get some more books from the library for you." The lady announced. Ever since Arwen had shared her secret with Morgana, she had tried to get some of the restricted books about Prairene for her, knowing that she could ask Geoffrey for them, and he wouldn't mind sharing them with her. Especially not after she spun a story that after her ordeal with the druids she wanted to learn more about the dangers of magic that were out there. It was a lie, but still, the books were of help to both her and Arwen alike.

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