Chapter 11| I Don't Share Swiss Chocolates

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Chapter eleven: I don't share swiss chocolates


It was hard to imagine how I had wanted to dig myself a grave and crawl in it when I'd seen Kaison two days ago. Especially considering the fact that we were sitting together and having a great time talking on the beach chairs while the rest of them played and later had a dip in the ocean. When we weren't talking, we were sitting quietly in peace. My cramps had eased considerably since the ibuprofen had kicked in.

"Are you sure you don't want more tea?" He asked. "I'll make sure it's well iced this time."

Backstory? I had forgotten about my drink and it was ruined. By ruined I meant it tasted horrible since it was now warm.

"Nevermind." I groaned, turning sideways. "I don't think I'll be able to drink it now."

He gave me a disapproving look. "You barely ate at lunch, Livvy."

He noticed.

"I'll survive," I replied with a small smile.

"I'm sure," he said drily. "Are you sure you don't want-"

I cut him off. "You know I'm suffering from severe nausea, right?"

"I know," he sounded frustrated. "You could've avoided it had you ta-"

"-taken the medicine on time? I know." 

"Why didn't you?" He asked.

"I forgot," I lied.

"You don't have to tell me, but lying? Now, that's just cold."

"Kaison." I sighed. I really didn't want to explain. My face must've given it away because he nodded and changed the topic

"What do you plan to do next?" He inquired.

"Next? What next?" I frowned.

"You know, after the reunion."


"Back to my job in New York." I shrugged. "I work as a software engineer at Infotech."

"Yeah you told me that." He nodded.

"Oh, don't act like you didn't know it already." I rolled my eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched up.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said innocently.

"You don't?" I scoffed challengingly. "How the fuck did you show up at my apartment multiple times? I shifted twice in one year and you still found me. I find it hard to believe you didn't know where I work."

"Maybe," he hedged with a laugh.

I shook my head with a smile. "I knew it." 

"Why didn't you change your job, then?"

 . . . good question.

" . . . I don't know," I muttered.

"Do you still hate working out?" He tactfully jumped topics again.

"I do." I bleated. "Didn't the way my dress fit last night say anything? I'm out of control."

"I thought it looked hot." He shrugged.

I laughed. "Of course you did." 

"I'm serious!" He chuckled.

"Um-hmm. How's your shoulder doing?" I questioned.

"It aches just a little bit but the medicines help," he admitted.

"Did you overwork yourself again?" I asked knowingly.

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