Chapter 19| Cold Hot Coffee

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Chapter nineteen: Cold hot coffee


"That was such a nice movie." I sighed, switching the TV off with the remote as the credits rolled in. We had just finished watching Duff.

"I never thought I'd survive a chick flick," Kai remarked.

Empty pizza boxes sat on the table in front of us along with the empty containers of our drinks. I made a carefully calculated throw and the remote landed safely on one of the boxes.

"You already did multiple times before." I snorted. "And you guys call us girls dramatic."

He shrugged. "We have a low tolerance to these things."

"More like you lose tolerance to these things because you guys are too busy projecting your masculinity." I laughed.

"That's not true."

"We used to go on movie dates in high school, Kai."

"I used to go with you," he said. "That was what mattered."

"Well, you watched this with me. Isn't that what matters?"

He raised his eyebrows. "That has all signs of a trick question."

"Nevermind." I chuckled, curling up closer to him. "I've been wanting to watch this one for ages now. Let's not ruin it."

"Why didn't you?" He asked, putting his cheek against my hair.

"I . . . " I yawned, extremely comfortable. "Never had the chance to." 

"Why?" He yawned too and I smiled.

I thought about his question and answered, "Umm, cause I always wanted to watch it with someone and the opportunity never presented itself."

"I see," he muttered.

"Hmm." I closed my eyes.

I liked the warmth surrounding me. It made me feel safe, loved, and protected. It made me feel relaxed in a way I had forgotten was possible. The events of the day finally caught up with me and I fell asleep peacefully.

* * * * *

I felt light falling on my face and I shifted in my sleep.




"Hrn?" I woke up with a start, disoriented by my surroundings. "What's up?" I slurred with sleep.

"I need you to move a little, mon amour." His voice came from below me.

"No," I muttered, covering my eyes with my arm.

He shifted under me. "Liv, my arm-"

Awareness cut through my slumber with a jolt at the urgency in his tone and the magic word registered in my brain slowly. I scrambled to get up mindlessly.


"Oomph!" I groaned, falling onto the ground and still tangled up in the sheets.

"-ul!" Kai winced. I heard him sit up. "Are you hurt?"

"No." I didn't move, my eyes squeezed shut since before the impact. "I'm fine."

"Livvy." He touched my shoulder, gently urging me to get up. I turned over on my back slowly, rolling away from him in the process.

"I'm fine." I squinted up at him against the lights. "And I'm so sorry."

"No, it's alright." He shook his head. "Are you hurt?"

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