Chapter 22| Getting Comfortable

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Chapter twenty-two: Getting comfortable


"Seconds?" Kai offered. "There's plenty more where that came from."

"Oh, yeah," I agreed enthusiastically. "Load me up."

He grinned at that. "With pleasure."

He got up, bringing a new plate of sandwiches with him. He removed the plastic wrap. "Help yourself," he urged, sitting back down beside me. He was eating, too. And did I mention that those sandwiches were little pieces of heaven? Cause they were.

"I need the recipe," I moaned out. "This thing is out of the world."

Damn, that was an understatement. The sandwiches were the most perfect balance of spicy and sour. It had the right amount of everything. Ahhh.

"Nope," he denied, biting into his umpteenth serving.

"Why?" I whined when I finished chewing. "I need it." I took another big bite. It hit my tastebuds just like the first one had: full of flavor and divineness.

"Nope." He smiled teasingly. "Why else would you ask me to cook next time?"

"Urgh." I groaned, hiding my smile behind my sandwich.

I knew I would have found a way but he didn't need to.

* * * * *

"Do you want to change?" He asked when we finished. I was helping him wash the dishes.

"I don't have a change of clothes on me." I sighed, drying my hands with a kitchen towel, disposing it off when I was done. I had forgotten to keep them despite his reminder last night.

"Wear mine." He shrugged nonchalantly.

I stopped a grin from forming.

Slow, I reminded myself.

"No." I dried my hands. "I need to be home soon."

Kai rolled his eyes. "I'm sure Griffin will survive without you in the house for a day."

"I know," I mulled the thought over in my head, "But he will still ask me where I am and freak out. He's grown too accustomed to looking after me. He's like my big brother."

"I gauged that," Kai remarked. "And that's why I want you to tell him about us. He should know."

"You're right." I bit my lip in consideration. "I will do it. Soon."

"Okay," he agreed easily.

My phone buzzed in my purse before I could respond and I excused myself to pick it up. It was . . . lo and behold, Griffin.

"Yeah, Griff?" I answered it, shooting a smug look at Kai. He rolled his eyes with a smile, walking over to the bookshelf.

"Where are you?" He asked, sounding worried.

"I'm okay." I chuckled. "I'm out with my friends."

"It's seven-thirty!" He exclaimed. "You're usually back by now."

"And I am an adult," I reminded him like I always did. Was I really that emotionally unstable or was he just overprotective? "Twenty-four, to be precise."

"Olive," he sighed, "You could've texted me this."

"That I'm twenty-four?" I jested. "But you knew that already, sweet brother of mine."

He groaned. "You know what I'm talking about."

"Well, yeah I do." I laughed. "But, you called and I answered didn't I? I am well. everything is good. Now, how's George?"

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