Chapter Twenty-Three

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Sarina's POV

April and I walked out of the room, leaving Margaret there, tied to the chair. I actually don't give a shit about her. I can feed her to crocodiles and I would enjoy how she died. But I can't do that. We can't spend our whole lives in jail now, can we.

I follow April into a room and we sat on the sofa. I hate being here. April brought Margaret to an abandoned house to prevent us from getting caught. Couldn't she bring that thing somewhere else? This place is so old and so creepy. It wouldn't surprise me if this place was haunted.

"What are you going to do to Hadley once she's here?" I asked April.

She turned her head towards me and grinned. "Kill her of course." she said.

"Wait, what? You're gonna kill her?" My jaw hung open.

"Yes. I thought that's what you wanted too." she grinned evilly.

"No. I thought you said that you would torture her and kill her baby, but not her. Why are you going to kill her?" I frowned.

"Oh, come on. Don't you think that it will be fun seeing her die? And besides, I'm killing her because she knows too much and I don't care if I go to jail for that." she walked over to the window as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What do you mean she knows too much?" I asked, squinting my eyes at her.

I knew she was going to do something to Hadley to hurt her, but I didn't think that April should kill her. Both of us will get in trouble if she does so.

"Well, Sarina. That is my little secret, isn't it?" she grinned and looked out the window.

"And Margaret?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Guess she'll die too, huh?"

♕ Hadley's POV ♕

"What do you mean she killed a girl?" Neil raised his eyebrows at me.

"It was in high school. April and I were best friends. She was the perfect friend. She was always there for me just like Neil was when we were younger. She was there for me when I missed Neil and she would help me to get distracted from all the things happening at home. But then this guy came and April changed completely. She was not the April I knew. She started wearing miniskirts and short dresses, all to get that one guy's attention. She would wear anything revealing. One time she even told me that she was ashamed of being my friend because of the dorky clothes I wear. I didn't mind her because she was my best friend. Finally one day she got the attention she was craving for. The guy looked at her. But little did she know who he really was." I glanced at Xavier and Neil as I licked my lips.

"Well, do I need chapter tickets for you to continue?" Neil raised his eyebrows and I chuckled.

"Anyways. They started dating and April started hanging out with him and his friends even more, leaving me alone. I was hurt by her actions but I didn't say anything. I just watched as she did everything. I was at my locker one day and she came crying towards me. When I asked her what happened, she told me that he took her virginity and dumped her. I was shocked, to be honest, but I let it be and comforted her like a best friend would. But she turned out to be a backstabbing bitch! She started doing things that were against the rules and she would blame me for it. She did those things until people started bullying me. She was also one of my bullies now. Until that one girl came. She tried helping me. She did everything to stop the bullying, until April did something I never thought she would do." I breathed in and then out.

"Continue! You have too much suspense in your life, woman!" Neil yelled at me, making me chuckle again.

"April robbed the principal and blamed it on that girl." I closed my eyes. "She put the jewelry in that girl's bag and told the principal that she has done it. When the principal checked her bag, he made sure she got arrested. I heard the girl committed suicide after a few years." A tear rolled own my cheek.

"April is a bitch." Neil scowled.

"She blames me for her suicide." I pursed mt lips.

"But you didn't do anything." Xavier raised his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah.." I said.

There was a short silence before Xavier spoke. "You should rest."



The next morning I woke up, hearing whisper yells. I opened my eyes just to find grandma and Sarina talking to a very frustrated Xavier. What the hell is going on here? I sat up and frowned at them as I watched the whisper yelling at each other. This is not weird at all.

"Grandma? Sarina?" I called them, making them turn around.

"Oh, Hadley!" Grandma grinned and hopped over to me.

She hugged me tightly like she had found something precious that she had lost. I hugged her back tightly and smiled as she whispered sweet words into my ear. I glanced at Xavier and caught him smiling at us. I smiled at him and he winked at me, making me grin even more. My husband is hopeless.

Grandma let go and I was soon wrapped up in another hug by Sarina. I giggled and she breathed out. "I'm so happy you're okay." She said.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.

After talking about a lot of things, eating grandma's cookies and laughing a lot, grandma and Sarina went home. I don't know why, but something about Sarina seems a little bit off. Maybe she's just tired.

Xavier sat down next to me and took my hand in his. He kissed the back of my hand and looked at me.

"I love you." He said.

Well, I didn't expect him to say that.

"I love you too." I grinned.


Well, the end is near (as well as my death) BUT I WILL RUN AWAY AND YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FIND ME! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I will see you in the next update. Bye bye. BUT HEY! DON'T FORGET TO





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