Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Okay. Calm down. Take a deep breath and then tell me what happened." Xavier said as he cupped my cheeks.

Since I had received that message I was hyperventilating. I just couldn't believe what was happening. Until the part where I got shot, I understand. That is something she would do out of jealousy, but I never thought that she would kidnap Margaret. I did as Xavier instructed and took another deep breath. Neil, dad and Xavier were all worried about me, and I was worried about Margaret.

"W-we need to get out of here." I said. All I could think of was Margaret. "We need to help her. Her life is in danger."

"What are you talking about?" Xavier asked.

"April has Margaret." Neil spoke. "We need to help her." Neil tried standing up, but fell on the wheelchair again.

"How does April have Margaret?" Xavier asked.

"She just fucking texted me, Xavier! She told me she has her!" I screamed.

I don't know why I was screaming. All could think of was that April is a psycho and she can literally do anything to Margaret. I don't want Margaret to get hurt because of me. Oh please, let Margaret be fine. Suddenly the door flew ope and in walked a woman with the white coat that the doctors wear.

"Ma'am, you really need to calm down. Stress can harm you and your baby." she placed her hand n my shoulder.

I stood up from the bed and pulled out the infuse thingies that were onto my hand. I felt a little dizzy, but I managed to stand straight. I glared at the doctor.

"My best friend got fucking kidnapped by my fucking ex-best friend and you want me to fucking calm down!?" I yelled as one of the plates on the bedside table fell and nearly shattered into pieces.

Suddenly I felt arms wrapping around my body and by the warmth I realized that it was Xavier who was holding me. It surely was supposed to calm me down, but I remained pissed. I was pissed at April for kidnapping Margaret, for hitting Neil with a car and almost killing me and my baby. She is such a stubborn bitch, who has no fucking other things to do, then go around and ruin other people their lives.

"Hadley, please calm down." Xavier kissed my forehead. "Can you guys please leave us alone for a few minutes?" Xavier asked the others as he grabbed me by the waist and placed my on the bed like I weighted nothing. 

They nodded and soon the room was empty. I heard Xavier sigh as he took my hands in his. It was silent for a few seconds until he spoke. 

"It'll be fine. Stop worrying." he hugged me. 

I rested my head on his chest as his arms were wrapped securely around my body. "I'm worried about her, Xavier. What if April hurts her?" tears streamed down my face out of frustration.

"Don't worry. She'll be just fine, okay?" he kissed my forehead. "Did she tell you where they are?" he asked and I shook my head, saying no.

The door opened and Sarina walked in. She ran up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" she asked concerned.

"April has Margaret." I sniffed as Xavier let go of me.

"What? Where are they?" she licked her bottom lip.

"I don't know." I said frustrated.

"Don't worry. We'll find her." she hugged me and I hugged her back. 

I hope she'll be fine.


I groaned as I felt the bed dip beside me. All I wanted was a goodnight sleep, but no, people have to ruin everything. My eyes remained closed and I tried going back to sleep, but then I felt a kiss on my forehead. I smiled when I realized that this must be Xavier. I slowly opened my eyes and found Xavier smiling warmly at me.

My Protective Billionaire [CURRENTLY UNDER HEAVY EDITING!]Where stories live. Discover now