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"Then your death will be heroic." I snarl, unsheathing my weapons.

Bucky and Erik follow my lead and bring out their own weapons. Doctor Strange doesn't seem phased by our actions as he creates two flaming orange Eldritch Whips.
"Four against one seems hardly fair." He comments.
I laugh. "Do not worry, Sorcerer; we shall go easy on you. One Infinity Stone against another."
I dart forward, using my double-bladed staff to attack him. I swing my weapon in a wide arch, a move that he barely dodges.
"Good job I have some help." He grins, opening up a swirling orange portal.
More sorcerers enter the room and start fighting, casting an orange glow across the entryway.
"Now, that's more like it!" Erik grins maliciously as he starts slashing down the warriors.

Orange sparks make the room flash and glow as the sorcerers fight back to protect the Time Stone. Bucky and Erik are busy with Strange's minions while I turn to the stone keeper. My powers itch to get in contact with the stone. Its power pulsates from the necklace, and I grin, flipping the staff in my hand. He uses his powers to create his weapons, while I use Thanos' gift for now. I wield my staff with precision, jabbing and slashing at Strange. He uses his power to deflect my blows, but I keep at him, not letting him rest for a moment.

I keep attacking. Never allowing Strange to get his own hit in. I use my blade to slash his Eldritch whips in half, and the magic fizzles out. With a quick burst of speed, I swing my staff and knock Strange off his feet. He falls flat on his back, stunned and winded. I take my staff and stand over Strange, holding one end just inches above his neck.

"You have fought well, Strange." I smile. "It is a shame you aren't fighting on the right side."
"Ah, yes, because working for a genocidal maniac is the 'right' side." He quips.
I scowl. "You will see soon enough."

I lift my blade above my head and start to bring it down towards Strange's neck. The blade is inches from his neck when a blast to my back throws me forward and over him. I land on my stomach, and air is forced out of my lungs. I gasp for air as a man stands over me with a grin.

"You were cutting it a bit close there, Wong." Strange mutters as the man helps him to his feet.
"Well, I had to make her think she had a chance." He smirks.
I attempt to get up, but Strange creates dark red bands and restrains me, tying my arms behind my back.
"You have no idea who you are messing with." I growl, squirming in the bands.
I manage to sit myself up, and I notice that Bucky and Erik are still fighting.
"A naïve little girl who is out of her depth?" Strange questions.
I laugh. "I have a mission, and I shall complete it no matter what. Even if I have to kill every last person on this pathetic planet."

I attempt to keep Strange and Wong talking as I flex my wrists and allow my power to creep up the bands that are currently restraining me. I notice them start to turn black as my own power overtakes the bindings, the black seeping into the red like poison.

"What should we do with her?" Wong asks as he and Strange talk to themselves.
"I think The Avengers would be happy to see her."
"Shall I contact Thor?" Wong pauses. "How do you contact an Asgardian god?"
The binds are nearly entirely black now.
"A naïve little girl, you say?" I question, a small smile plays on my face.

Strange turns to face me, but Wong's eyes trail down to the magic. His eyes go wide, and he attempts to warn Strange, but I unleash my full power, and I use Doctor Strange's magic against him. I dissolve his magic from around my hands and send my power up the binds and into Strange. He cries out in pain, and his veins start to turn black; Wong is thrown to the side by the blast. I stand up and use the now black binding to pull him towards me.

"You should watch what you say about people, especially when they are more powerful than you." I growl, inches from his face.
My free hand emits a black glow as I grasp the Eye of Agamotto. I use my magic and pry open the eye, showing the green stone twinkling inside.
"Someone will be very happy to see you." I grin, pulling out the stone with my magic.

The necklace cracks open, and I take the stone, holding it in my hands. I can feel the power of the stone speaking to me. The Time Stone, finally. I throw Strange away from me, and I go to place the stone into my belt, but it is suddenly plucked from my grasp. I cry out in anger as Strange uses his magic to bring the stone back to the necklace.

"Didn't your father ever teach you not to touch things that aren't yours?" Strange smirks.
I can feel my anger bubbling, and my power washes over the room like a Tsunami, wiping out anything that stands in its way. The wave of shadows avoids Bucky and Erik but takes out the sorcerers they are fighting. Strange manages to make a shield around him and Wong.
"You are really getting on my nerves!" I scream.
"I cannot let you take this stone." He says calmly.
My chest feels heavy as I try to calm my breathing, but the stone inside me is taking over.

Kill them all!

Bucky and Erik rush over to me; they are both breathing heavily. Erik's sword is dripping blood, and he has some burns on his arms. Bucky places a calming hand on my arm.
"Give us the stone, and we shall spare your life." Bucky growls.
Strange shakes his head slowly.
"I'm afraid I can't do that." He glances at the top of the stairs, where the orange glow of a portal is starting to form. "And you're out of time."
The portal increases in size, and the silhouettes of a group of people appear.
"Who did you call?" I spit venomously.
Strange smiles. "The Avengers."

I scream out in anger and throw a ball of magic at Wong, knocking him out cold. Bucky's metal hand grips my arm as he pulls me towards the exit.
"We need to go!" He shouts.
"The stone!"
"Leave it! We'll come back."

He drags me out of the Sanctum and onto the road. There is shouting inside the building, but Bucky is relentless, and we make it to the ship quickly. Erik closes the door behind us, and Klaue starts up the engine. I shake off Bucky's arm and stand at the window, watching The Avengers as they helplessly watch our ship disappear.

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