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Opening my eyes, I pull a face of discomfort when I feel the banging in my head. It feels like a drill is burrowing into my brain. What the hell happened? All I can remember is a flash of blue and then nothing. I'm lying on my back, looking up at a plain white ceiling in a sterile room. I attempt to move my arms, but my left wrist has something cold wrapped around it. Moving my head to the side, I glance at the silver handcuff that's keeping me connected to the bed. Wow, they really don't trust me. A breeze enters the room, and I shiver, trying to reach for the blanket at the bottom of the hospital bed. A cold hand lightly touches my right one, and I snap my eyes up to meet Loki's green ones. His hand recoils as if he touched a scalding iron and a flash of hurt travels through my tired eyes.

"Thanos has requested that I continue your training for three more weeks, and then he shall see you." Loki mutters, keeping his head down.
My eyes widen slightly in realisation. Three weeks? Three weeks for my dad to find me. Three weeks for me to think of a plan. Three goddam weeks.
"There is no way to escape. If you try, there will be severe consequences."
"I-" I cough to clear my rusty throat. "I'm not going to try and escape. I'm not stupid."
Loki finally looks up at me, quickly moving close to my ear, his lips brushing my skin.
"Listen to me, Mellona, the blue robot, Nebula, is here to keep an eye on us. Thanos sent her, and she is ruthless. If I slip up, she will be there to kill me and take you."
I stare at him wide-eyed. This situation is even more serious than I thought.
"That power you displayed before was magnificent."
My cheeks burn red at Loki's compliment.
"You and I could rule the world. We could wreak destruction on the nine realms." He grins maliciously.
I raise my eyebrows and nod slowly.
"Yeh or I could go home, and you could do all the world-ruling and destruction. But we can work out the details when we escape."
Loki pulls back, his face showing confusion.
"Yep." I pop the p. "Me plus you equals we. I'll come up with a plan; all yours seem to end up with you dying or in chains."

The door swings open, and Nebula storms into the room. Her black mechanical eyes narrow at the two of us, and Loki shoots up from his chair.
"The petty mortal girl refuses to tell me how she got her powers." Loki growls, his demeanour changing in an instant.
"Maybe I should talk to her. My father taught me how to manipulate hostages until they give you the answer you want-"
"No!" Loki snaps. "No one touches her! I do not care if Thanos sent you. You do not touch her, or you will answer to me."
Nebula sneaks a glance at me before exiting the room. Loki just stands where he is, not looking at me at all.
"Thank you." I breathe.
He turns to me, and a smile tugs on his red lips.
"Rest, Mellona, I need to think things over."

Screams. Fire. Death.
It surrounds my shaking body. I can hardly breathe. I look around as I stand just outside the ruined Avengers building. My father, my mother, my sister, and my brother lie covered in blood. The Avengers, my dad's friends, are lying in the dirt, not moving. Tears fall out of my eyes, but I can't seem to speak. As I glance down at my own body, I notice the crimson blood. I am covered in the warm, sticky substance. I look around in horror. The battle has clearly finished. Death and destruction roams the silent city.
A voice. A smooth, familiar voice that melts my heart speaks out.

"My Queen Mellona, you have fought well in battle." Hands caress my face and move into my knotted hair. "We can finally live in peace."
My eyes search his green ones for answers.
"W-what did I do?" Tiny tears fall from my eyes. "Loki?"
"Mellona, you did this! You ended the Avengers, and now we are free!"
I back away from Loki as my heart rate increases dramatically.
"No. No. No." I repeat over and over.
Surely, I didn't do this. I could never kill anyone, let alone my own family.
"Embrace it, my love, for you, and I are now King and Queen."

A New Infinity StoneΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα