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Loki's POV...
Thor leads me into a silver moving box, which opens on a different floor at the sound of a ding. I shudder as my mind flashes back to the green beast throwing me around in this very room. The bar is in the same place, but a long seat faces a black screen and a table. Thor throws his large arm around me and sits me down on the white leather bench.

"Brother, it is great to see that you have come to your senses and decided to join us!"
I roll my green eyes and sigh deeply.
"It was not my choice. I have to do this for Mellona."
Thor laughs deeply and pulls me further into his bulky chest.
"Have you fallen in love, brother? You shall find it most pleasing when you engage in sexual-"
"Thor, you great oaf!" I yell, cutting him off and throwing his arm off me. "I have indeed fallen in love, but not with Mellona. I have fallen in love with her power. She is strong, brother." I pause, smirking. "She will wreak havoc on this world."
Thor's grip tightens painfully on my arm, and I wince.
"How dare you speak about her like that!" He hisses in my ear. "Mellona is more than her power. She is brave, she is beautiful, and she is family. If you have any alternative motive, other than helping Mellona, then I will personally ensure that you are locked up for the rest of your long life."
My face pales at my brother's threat.
"Of course, brother."

Stark and Rogers watch me from the corner, probably ensuring that I do not pull any tricks. Romanoff escorted Banner back to his lab, which is an excellent idea for a mortal woman. She soon returns but holding back Barton. He looks furious, and I notice his fists clenching. Thor and I both stand up. Thor attempts to stop Barton, but he just shoves past my brother and punches me in the face.

"That's for New York!" Another punch. "That's for what you did to me!" One more, harder than the rest. "That's for taking my daughter!"
After three punches, Thor and Romanoff manage to restrain him, but I can feel the anger flowing through his veins. I smirk as he struggles in the grasps of his friends.
"Barton, are you going to punch me again, over and over, until your arm weakens?" I chuckle, touching my cheek where he hit me; he did not even draw blood.
"Hey, Rock of Ages, if we are going to be working together, then we need to be on a first-name basis." Stark exclaims.
I look around at each of them with confusion.
"Great, he doesn't even know our names." Romanoff scoffs with a roll of her eyes.
"Be quiet, you veslinger!" I snap.
Thor chuckles at my curse, and the puny wrench flushes red with anger. She mumbles something under her breath, and I fight the urge to challenge her. When this is all over, she will bow down to me.

Stark ... Tony goes around the group and informs me of their first names. Now we just need to get along long enough to save Mellona. How hard can that be?

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