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Natasha's POV...

"He did what?" Clint bellows, his face red with anger.
Wanda and Pietro are stood in the living room of Clint's house, looking shaken. Wanda is sopping wet, and Laura wraps her in a fluffy towel. I stand next to Clint, my hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. Everyone glances around the room, not daring to make eye contact.
"Tell me again!" He demands.
"We were all at the lake, and there was this blast. Mel and I were thrown into the lake, and that's when he appeared."
"And you are sure it was Loki?" Steve questions.
Wanda nods.
"He said that he 'finally found her'." Wanda mumbles. "Before he took her, she was asking me about my powers. She mentioned that she had a dream or a vision. I don't know if that is related." She trails off.
Clint glares at the twins menacingly.
"I told you two to look after her!" He screams, rising to his feet. "I told the two of you to protect her! Now she's been taken by an Asgardian god! Thor, why is Loki interested in my daughter?"
Thor pauses, realising that Clint's anger is now being directed at him. Thor shrugs his broad shoulders. My eyes flutter towards the twins as they look pained and disappointed. It's not their fault. Clint is being too harsh on them.
"After New York, Loki said something about Thanos trying to find a new Infinity Stone. He said that this stone is different. I paid Loki no attention, I thought he was just trying to trick me again, but maybe he was telling the truth."
"Wait, do you think that Thanos wants to use Mel?"
Worry and panic flashed through my body, but I quickly take control of the situation.

"We need to find her, and fast. Tony, contact S.H.I.E.L.D. We need every free agent looking for her. Bruce, you work with Thor to pinpoint Loki's magic; it must leave some sort of signature. Pietro, Wanda, you two scout the area where she was taken. See if you can find anything. Steve and I will search any empty buildings nearby."
Everyone rushes off to do their jobs, but I wait for a moment alone with Clint and Laura. They both look heartbroken and lost. I can only imagine what the two of them are going through.
"Clint." I whisper to my oldest friend. "You need to stay strong. It isn't Wanda's or Pietro's fault. We can only blame Loki. We will find her."
Tears well up in his dark eyes as he runs his hands through his hair.
"I'm going to kill him."

Flashback (Clint's POV) ...

The new baby's big, blue eyes open, filled with awe and fright. It must be so strange to wake up and not know who anybody is or what to do. Being a baby must be the scariest part of someone's life. They can't speak or move without the aid of others. They are constantly passed around in strangers arms, and a woman feeds you with her boob!

Tears stain my pale cheeks, but I smile down at the little girl. It's not her fault. My girlfriend, Melody, just died in labour, giving birth to our beautiful baby. We came to a S.H.I.E.L.D hospital, and the nurses said that the child had a lot of strong energy inside of her. We knew the risks, but we never thought it would end like this. I place my hand through the hole in the incubator, and I stroke her soft arm.
"Your mother wanted to give you a unique name." I pause. "Mellona?"
The baby's pink lips curl upwards for a second, and I sniffle sadly.
"Hey, Mellona Barton. You like that?"
Her tiny body squirms in discomfort due to all of the wires sticking out of her. She looks so fragile. As if a tiny speck of dust may break her. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder, and I look up from Mellona to see Natasha.

"I am so sorry, Clint." She whispers, bringing me into a hug.
"I-I don't know what to do."
"The team and I are here for you. We always will be. What did you name her?"
"Mellona. It means honey." I smile sadly. "I thought it would help me remember Melody."
"That's a beautiful name." She laughs. "I'm going to be Aunty Nat. You're a father now, Clint; you need to set some priorities. The team will help you look after her, but you can't go on many missions. Not until she's older."
"I know." I whisper.
We both stare at the tiny baby as she yawns and falls asleep. A new life and I'm in charge until she's older. What could possibly go wrong?

A New Infinity StoneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin