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I slump to the floor in a frustrated mess. Tears of anger stain my cheeks as I watch the black mist in my veins swirl around carelessly. What the hell is this stuff? As my rage settles, so does the black mist; it seems more sparse and slightly lighter. A sudden knocking on the bathroom door snaps me from my thoughts, and I sigh.
"Who is it?" You call, not bothering to move.
"Lady Mellona, it is Thor. I just wanted to check up on you. You seemed upset before." His voice is filled with concern.
I tilt my head back, so it is leaning against the door, and a few tears drop from my blue eyes.
"I am fine. Thank you, Thor."
"As long as you are sure." He pauses. "Your mother has made a fine feast. I have brought you a plate. My brother, Loki, used to eat in his room when father had angered him. I would always leave a plate of food at his door."
"Thank you."

I listen as he walks back downstairs, and I open the bathroom door, quickly walking to my room. I slump down on my bed, leaving the plate of food untouched. Thor has always been kind to me. He always loved watching movies with me when dad used to go on missions. He loved staying up with me all night and eating pop tarts and ice cream. I smile to myself at the happier memories before taking a deep breath and curling under the blankets.

I soon fall asleep, but my dreams are plagued by visions of a raven-haired man in a green tunic. Dreams of destruction and chaos show the fall of New York and the Avengers, and stood on top of the rubble is me. I am wearing a black suit and cape, and shadows surround me. Draped across my waist is a gold belt encrusted with six glowing stones, and my veins are filled with purple, blue, orange, yellow, red, and green lights instead of the black mist. The man turns to face me, his emerald eyes staring into my black ones.
"My love, my queen, your magnificence compares to no one as you stand above this death and destruction. It is time for me to take my place next to you. It is time for us to rule the realms."
I watch helplessly as the man stands up from his kneeling position and grasps my arms. The grip feels so real, and the pain wakes me up from the nightmare, but the man carries on talking, his voice rising from the dream.

"I can feel the dark powers of energy flowing through your veins. I am coming for you, Mellona, and you shall not, will not, stop me."

That's when it hits me who the man is: Loki. The god who took over my dad's mind and terrorised New York. Whatever he wants, it can't be good.

The events from the nightmare keep me up the rest of the night. My skin is pale and clammy as I attempt to fall back to sleep but to no avail. My phone buzzes, and I open the text from Wanda.

Party down at the lake. Are you coming? Bring your bikini and some drinks xxx

I send back my reply, letting her know I am on my way. I slide out of bed and get changed into my bikini, pulling on some clothes on top. I quickly dab on some makeup before grabbing my backpack from under my bed. I observe the contents, smiling to myself as the familiar sound of bottles clinking lets me know my stash is untouched. Swinging it onto my back, I sneak out of my room and into the hall, pausing at the top of the stairs. Voices come from the living room, so I carry on to the window at the end of the hall. I throw it open and swing my legs out, clinging onto the drainpipe as I carefully climb down. Once my feet are firmly on the floor, I sprint towards the woods, completely unaware of the people watching me.

Laughter and music greet me as I emerge from the trees and into a clearing. Fairy lights decorate the trees, and glow sticks are strewn on the floor. I head towards the table of alcohol and unpack my bag, quickly pouring myself a strong drink. Strong arms wrap around my waist, followed by the scent of peppermint.
"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro's thick accent swirls down my ears, and I grin.
"Where's your better half?" I ask playfully.
"Oh, Wanda is standing awkwardly by the lake trying to join in." He shrugs. "She'll be fine."
I turn to face him, a scowl on my face, and I punch his arm.
"And you just left her?" I exclaim, rushing over to her.
Wanda's whole face lights up as her eyes land on me. She greets me with a tight hug.
"Finally! I thought that you weren't coming."
"I obviously wouldn't miss a lake party."
She passes me a multicoloured shot, and I quickly down it.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" I lower my voice. "About your powers?"
Wanda nods, looking slightly concerned.
"Do you ever have visions or dreams of the future? Ones that feel so real. Ones that scare you." You gulp.
Wanda pauses. "I'm a telepath. I don't have visions as such. I can read minds, which can sometimes allow me to see visions of what that person, or thing, is thinking." She grasps my hand. "Why do you ask?"
"I had a dream or a vision. I saw what I think was the future. I saw-"

A blast of energy cuts me off, and Wanda and I are thrown into the lake; everyone else is thrown to the floor. A bright green glow fills the clearing as I break the surface of the water, revealing a figure standing proud. I tread water, glancing around for Wanda, who surfaces a few meters away from me. Pietro is lying motionless on the ground, and I focus my attention on the figure. The glow disappears, and the man looks around, taking in the chaos that surrounds him. He turns to face me, and my breath hitches as I realise who he is. The man from my dream smirks evilly as he strides towards the lake.

"Mel!" Wanda screeches.
"I have finally found you."
For a brief moment, his silky voice distracts me enough, and I feel something wrap around my ankle. I'm pulled under the water and tugged towards the shore, choking on the murky substance as I inhale it. Violently, I breathe in the oxygen once I reach the surface. I notice the man striding towards me, and Pietro attempts to stand up, but he's too late. The man's hand strikes at my wrist, and a green glow emits around us. His smirk is the last thing I see before I blackout.

Natasha's POV...
Thor thunders down the stairs, and I quickly pull him aside.
"How is she?" I whisper.
"She did not open the door, but she claimed she was fine."
I roll my eyes. "When a girl says she's fine, most of the time, it means she's not. I'll go talk to her."
I turn on my heel and head upstairs. I stop at her door, ignoring Tony and Steve, who are stood looking out of the hall window. I knock on her door twice before opening it and poking my head around the frame.
"Mel? Are you in here?"
I step into her dark room, glancing around at the organised bedroom. The plate of food that Thor brought her is left untouched.
"Mel?" I try to keep my voice calm and even.

After quickly looking around for any signs of where she might be, I head back outside to Steve and Tony, who are still by the hall window.
"Have you guys seen Mel? She's not in her room."
Tony smirks. "She just left. She's clearly taken after her Uncle Tony; her bag was filled with alcohol."
I roll my eyes, and I bite my lip in anxiety.
"I'm sure she will be fine, Natasha." Steve reasons. "Mel's a smart girl. She's probably with Wanda and Pietro. You know how close they are."
I smile at the super-soldier.
"You're right. She's a grown woman, and she can take care of herself."
I leave Steve and Tony to carry on talking while I head downstairs. I know that Mellona can take care of herself, but something deep inside of me warns me that something is up.

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