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In the four long weeks since Loki took me from home, I have been subjected to gruelling training programs to strengthen my body so my powers don't kill me. Loki has been seeing me through the training, and he is a tough coach. At first, I refused to even leave my cell, and Loki retaliated by starving me until I complied. He claims that I need to be strong enough to endure what Thanos is going to do to me.

I feel stronger every day, while Loki seems more exhausted with each passing day. There are dark bags under his eyes, and his skin is sickly and pale. I know how evil this man is. I saw what he did to New York, yet I seem to have a soft spot for him. It must be the stories of his childhood that Thor has told me in the past. The stories of a young boy who just wanted to be loved.

"Again." Loki growls as he sets up the targets once more.
I am covered in a layer of sweat, and my chest heaves with exhaustion as I draw in as much oxygen as I can. My arms feel heavy and sore, and my feet ache terribly.
"Loki, please, I am exhausted." I mutter, rolling up my sleeves to let my arms breathe.
"Again, or I will starve you." He snarls viciously.
"How do you expect me to train if I am starving? My pathetic mortal body, as you so lovely put it, is not like yours. I need food and rest regularly." I slump to the floor. "I need to sleep."
Loki storms over to me and grips my wrist as he hauls me to my feet.
"Do you think Thanos will allow you to rest?" His eyes are nearly all black with rage. "Thanos will crush you like a bug if you are not prepared, and I will be killed." He steps back, dropping your wrist. "Let your power do the work for you. Allow it to take over your body and guide you."

Taking a deep breath, I attempt to calm my breathing. I let my powers take over, and suddenly there is relief. My whole body feels stronger, and I can no longer feel the exhaustion from hours of training. My entire body feels like I am floating. I glance down at my arms as the black mist pools in my hands, and I send the ball of energy into the target, watching as it crumbles to ashes.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim. "That felt amazing! The way the power just took over felt surreal. Let's go again!"
I turn to face Loki. He is in a state of shock as he stares at the pile of ashes.
"How did you know to do that?" He questions softly.
"Do what?" I reply, slightly confused at how he is acting. "I just did what you told me to do."
He steps closer to me, taking my cold hands in his. His sea-green eyes gaze into my blue ones.
"I only meant for you to use the power to rejuvenate yourself, but that was fantastic." He smiles sweetly. "Maybe I have underestimated you, Lady Mellona."
I return his smile. Clearly, this is the Loki from Thor's stories. The sweet boy who loved his family. His hand tightens around mine slightly as the two of us gaze at each other.

"So, this is the girl?" A voice suddenly cuts through the tension.
The two of us jump apart, and Loki's face flickers from admiration to shock and back to his usual stone façade.
"Thanos did not inform me of your arrival." Loki growls.
I stare at the new person ... or robot. The thing in front of us is blue, and she looks like she has been pieced together with spare parts.
"Who are you?" I question bravely.
The robot turns her black eyes to me as she sizes me up.
"She looks rather pathetic." The robot mutters to Loki.
"That is what I first thought." He replies.
"Hello? I can hear you." I create another ball of black mist in my hands. "Now, tell me who the hell you are before I turn you to ash."
"You dare threaten me?" She screeches as she darts forward.
My shock freezes me as the thing comes towards me at an inhuman speed. She tackles me to the ground and punches me across the face. My hands go to my face, but I pull them away when I feel a thick warm liquid. Blood. I look up at the woman with shock and horror plastered on my face.
"What the fu-" I am cut off by her kicking my ribs, knocking all the air out of me.
Faintly, I hear footsteps and angry voices, then cold leather-clad arms pick me up and carry me from the room. I see a blur of black hair and green eyes.
"Loki?" I gasp before passing out and falling limp.

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