Chapter 8

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Bellas pov

I abruptly release Lukes hand and run toward the blanket on the beautiful big field. "When did you prepare this? We were in school the whole time?" I ask him and my voice sounds so excited I should be embarrassed about it. But I'm not.

,,I had a little help from friends but yeah.'' He smiles proudly at me.

We sit down on the blanket and I look into the basket. I raise my eyebrows of excitement ,,Look! There are sandwiches and fruits!''

His smile is so happy and proud my body just moves on its own and grasp a strawberry and holds it up to him. I didn't expect him to take it with his mouth tho.

I blush and flinch back, but still couldn't hold a smile back.

Luke looks me surprised and happy in my eyes. ,,I've never seen you this happy Bella.'' He says.

"I didn't have a reason to be happy till now." This sounded way too sad. I'm lucky to have a normal and safe life. To have parents and a roof over my head. But I just never had something in life for what I love to wake up every morning and just to live for. I let myself float through life, without any idea what I actually want.

But when I look in Luke's eyes...and his kinda longingly look in it. I kinda know what I want...
So without thinking much I do what I read in a book once. I take another strawberry between my lips and guide them to Luke. I can feel his breath and it tickles but after a second hesitation he bites the other end of the strawberry and kisses me after.
I pull back by surprise and raise my eyebrows, not knowing how to feel.
And not knowing what I thought would happen.

Did I wanted him to kiss me?

He seems to notice my unsureness and cups my face with his cold hand.
,,What are you thinking about?" he asks me gentle and soft.

,,I ju...I just...-"

,,Did you like the kiss? You want me to kiss you again" his breathing gets heavier and his face gets closer to mine.
,,On here?" He lays his long finger on my lips.

,,Sh" He didn't even give me time to respond. His lips crash against mine and he's literally swallowing me.
His hand is now in my hair and pulls my head gently down so he can enter my mouth completely.

I feel like I'm drowning. Like I'm melting but drowning on the same time.

When I feel his tongue trying to open my mouth I push his chest away.

He instantly pulls back and tries to read my eyes. ,,I'm sorry" he says but I can say on his satisfied look that he doesn't mean it.

,,it's okay..."
My heart's still racing and I try to calm down.

,,This wasnt my intention"

,, really is okay" I say back. ,,Let's just eat okay?"

,,Of course" he smiles gentle.

I grab one of the sandwiches and bite.

,,That's really delicious...Here! Take one!" I grab the other sandwich and reach it to him.

He laughs and takes it.

Now we sit there, eating our sandwiches and looking at each other smiling.

,,So...tell me about your family" I say to him.

,,Hmmm...My family...quite difficult to talk about them" He grins.

,,What? Whyy" I ask amused.

,,You mother is literally a boss. Like a queen."

,,Ohh. So she's the boss in your house huh? That's cool. How's your dad?"

,,He's nice. He has a soft spot for only my mother. He's strict with me though."

,,But that's good isn't it? There always have to be someone to correct you."

,,So you too have always someone strict? Did that became normal to you?"

,,Uhmm...yeah that's normal isn't it? Parents always are strict. That's their job" I say confused.

,,What do you mean? Are your parents strict?"

,,Uhm yeah? I mean they are not too strict though. Just the usual stuff"

,,What is the usual stuff Bella?"

,,Hey, why are you like this all of the sudden?" I try to laugh away the topic and punch him jokingly on his biceps.
I jump off the blanket and grab him by his underarm, trying to pull him up.

Then he jumps up too and looks me surprised in my eyes.

,,Come on! Catch me!" I shout while running down the field.

First he just stands there, staring at me with glowing eyes but then suddenly he just start sprinting and I nearly screamed out of surprise.

Fuck this man is scary.
How is he so fast all of a sudden? He's like a racing car.

My heart starts pounding, curious but somehow scared what he might do if he catches me.

And somehow...I love this feeling of adrenaline in my veins.

I laugh while trying to hide behind a giant tree.

,,You can't escape from me!" He says with a deep laugher. ,,My fingertips are already tingling just from thinking about catching you." He raises his hands and waves his fingers in my direction.

,,Try!" I yell and start running again.
But I know I can't hold it any longer. I'm already out of breath and notice I'm getting slower.

Suddenly strong arms tear me backwards and I shriek out of surprise.

,,Have ya!" He says with heavy breath and I can't help but laugh.
He holds me strongly and tickles me everywhere with his fingers.
I scream and laugh at the same time, trying to escape his grip.

Suddenly he stops and I can feel him holding his breath and looking down at me.


Out of nowhere his phone starts ringing and tears us both out of our bubble.

He takes it out of his pocket and instantly hang up without even looking at who just called.

,,Why did you hang up? Maybe it was important?"

,,Not more important than you"

I raise my eyebrows and can't keep a little smile back.

,,Let's go home before it's getting late. My parents will be concerned otherwise" I say.

He takes my hand and squeezes it and somehow it feels painful...As if this day wasn't reality. As if this will be our last time like this...

Something just doesn't...suit.

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