Chapter 32

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Bellas POV:

Bellas POV:

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I told her. And I can finally breath again after sich a long time.

,,Let's make pancakes for breakfast'', Amanda mumbled with her toothbrush in her mouth .

She insisted to stay the night with me because she doesn't want to leave me alone anymore.

I'm really lucky to have such a good friend.

I make the dough for the pancakes and wait for the stove to get warm.

,,Bella come with me. I swear I can't leave you here in this big house all by yourself. Stay with me. Work in my shop again. You're still my employee, you know?''

"I don't want to be a burden to you, Amanda. But I would love to live near you though."

,,YESS'', she jumps quickly out of excitement and walks to the pancakes. ,,Let's eat quickly and then prepare your suitcases.''

,,But! I have to sell this house first and take the money to look for an apartment near your Cafe!''

,,You'll do that while you stay with me'', she answers casually.

I sigh but smile at the same time.


It's been one week and by now I already could sell the house. It happened really quickly since that house was in good shape and quite new. A happy young family lives there now.

I thought it would take a really long time until someone shows interest in the house but I'm happy it worked out so fast.

It turns out my parents have quite some money on the bank. I don't get why we always lived like normal people. Like why would we live in a small house when we had all this money?

I'm on my way to Amanda right now. Amanda's boyfriend called me yesterday to tell me of his plan to propose. So I'm going to distract Amanda for a few hours. So he can prepare everything.

His name is Dylan and he's a really great guy. He's head over heels into Amanda and I'm so happy for the-

Luke. Luke walks in my direction. What. How did he find me? Why am I getting excited? Why is my heart beating this fast?

He talks to someone and when I look next to him there is a beautiful women. One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.

They re getting closer and closer and I think about all the things I want to tell l
Luke. About what my parents did and that they're behind bars now.

But he just walks past me. He didn't even look my way. So he's not here for me, huh. Somehow that's disappointing. Though I don't have the right to feel that way when I pushed him away so often.

I look after his silhouette and the one of his new girlfriend. He moved on.

I stare at my feet and try to move them but I can't. Tears come up I and squeeze my hands into fists.
No Bella.
Keep your shit together. Don't be sad over a guy who locked you up and kidnapped you. Who lied to you. Don't.
Don't look back again.

But I did again and I catchend his eyes for a brief moment. He turned around too. He SAW me. And he still doesn't walk in my direction. He's done with me. I'm nothing to him anymore. Just a little girl he probably loved once. With whom he could play a little.

And now I am the fool. And now I am the one with tears in the eyes. With an aching heart. Who can barely breath.

I pull myself together somehow and go to do Dylan the favour. On such an important day for my best friend I can't become a crying mess. I can do that. I'm sure I'm only like that because it's been so long since I saw him. In a few delays I'll probably move on too. I don't need him. I can live well without him.

Two weeks later and I can't stop thinking about him. Amanda's now engaged and they already plan their wedding. I can't burden her with my problems when she's this happy. So I smile whenever I'm out and only let my sorrows out when I'm alone.
I took my time and thought about the whole relationship I had with Luke. The first time I saw him when I came to a new school. The first person who spoke to me. He wanted to be friends with me when no one else did. When I was the quiet and unpopular weird girl. Who somehow taught me to be someone stronger.
He tried to change for me. He tried to hold back with Brandon when I told him to.
But he lied to me about his identity. About him being a soonabe Mafia leader. That he's someone who does crimes.
But could he tell me that? Even if he told me, would I have stayed with him?
Either way I'd just run away. I was a weak and frightened kid. Isn't that normal?
I can understand why he was frustrated and tried to get me back.

Well not really. Why would someone like Luke want someone like me?
I pushed him away. The whole time I tried to get away from him. When all he did was trying to protect me from my parents.

Maybe I didn't understand him. Maybe he only kills those he are a real threat to him. Bad people. That's the only right thing to do as a mafia don, right?

I.. I'm in love with him. I never stopped. Not when I tried to run away. Not when we didn't see each other for 2 years. And especially not now, when I know he moved on. Maybe it's time for me to fight for him.

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