Chapter 30

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Bellas POV:

After a while everyone is relaxed and we even laugh at funny scenes together

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After a while everyone is relaxed and we even laugh at funny scenes together.
Later, when the movie was over I disappear in my room because at this time my parents are never at home, probably at work, and I am home alone, preparing myself for sleep. My parents didn't stop me when I walked out. They haven't said anything. Maybe they want to give me space or maybe they want start to care less.
But whatever it is I just have to focus on my goal.
Make them trust me.
And leave.
This is the most obvious plan ever and they are probably already prepared for this kinda thing's the only thing I can think of doing so I'll give it a try.

I don't want to live like this forever. I need to live my life freely and how I want to live it.
So I Plan. I wrote down everything I know of my parents, when there at home and when there gone. When only one of the is here and even in which rooms they spent most of their time in.

And maybe it is useless. Yes. But it's keeping me fit. Awake. My Brain is working and it gives me somehow hope. I wait for them to come back. I wait the whole night but they didn't come back. I should find the password for the alarm now.

But I know that their door is always closed so I had to improvise.
I first tried to open the lock with a card that looks like a credit Card. It didn't work. Then I pulled out a hairpin sind tried it again.


The door opened.

I slowly walked inside their room, still alert for any traps or other alarms but it didn't happen anything.
The strong rain is slapping on their open window and a cold breeze embraces me.

Without waiting any longer I pulled every drawer open and looked in every corner of the room.

I found a piece of paper inside one of my fathers shoes.

- I knew you would find it.
The password is XXXX.
Stay safe, love dad

I have tears in my eyes. Why would he leave something like this for me?
After everything he's done. this a trap? Is he trying to catch me using this password?
Will they torture me again?

But I don't have another choice right?

I should wait. I shouldn't risk it, right?

So I wait for them to come back. For 3 days. No one came.

Something must be wrong. I can't wait longer I need to try. So I go and press the password on the Keyboard für the alarm.


It... IT WORKED. I open the front door and run outside. The first time I breath fresh air in 3 days.

Suddenly I can hear a car and as I thing my parents came back I run back in. After a short while their is a knock on the door.

Why would you they knock? They wouldn't. So I Open the door again and there stands a police officer.

,,Are you Bella Jardine?'', a brown haired tall police officer asks.


,,Are these your parents?'' he asks and his partner takes a photo out.

,,Yes. They are my parents'', I ask, slowly understanding what this all is about.
„Did something happen to them?" I ask panic vividly in my voice. Why am I panicking?

The police officer cleared his throat visibly uncomfortable with the situation.

„They were arrested for murder. They were found right in the act."

The horrific expression I must have made seemed to convince him I didn't know of anything.

„You will need to testify in court."
,,Could we come in and let us give you all necessary information'' the other guy says now.

I Ball my hands into a fist and try to hold my emotions back.
This isn't a joke anymore. My parents are not testing me. They can't. They are catchend. And trapped. And they are prisoners. Exactly like I was.

And this was my chance. But will I use it?

\\Authors note: Hey guys how are y'all?;)
Luke wasn't here for quite a while now and I already miss writing his pov hehe. I'm already excited for the new chapters!
Between...I wanted to ask my dear readers from where y'all are from. I'm actually curious which countries my story reaches:)) so tell me in the comments!
Have a nice day and love y'all!

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