Chapter 19

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Bellas POV:

It really worked

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It really worked. I didn't think he would let me go with him this easily. I was prepared to beg a little though that was not needed it seems. He's still holding my hand while dragging me down the stairs. Where are we going? He opens a door and I realise it's a dining room.

,,Sit down'' he pushes me down on a chair and shove me with it to the table.
I watch him as he walks to one of his guys, whispers something to him and then comes back to the table. Then he sits down in front of me.

,,What did you say to him?'' I ask.
He looks up at me with raised eyebrows ,,Just told him to let the food be prepared'' he answers.

,,Why don't you make your own food?''

,,Why should I?'' he shrugs.

,,It tastes better when you prepare your own food. You can suit your own food how you like it. The others won't know what you prefer or what you dislike''

,,It tastes better when I DONT make the food. I...can't cook. My food tastes disgusting'' he looks kinda ashamed down at the table.

,,HA! You can't? Right...what did I expect from a mafia man'' I say amused.

I see Luke tense as if my words hit him.

,,I could learn it really fast though. I'm good in learning'' he mumbles.
I think I hurt his pride.

,,Let's cook together then! I'll teach you'' I say.

„Do you always cook your own food?" He asks and looks really curious. Now that I think about it we never talked about stuff like this. Our relationship came fast and ended fast.

„No, not always. But my parents are at work most of the time and I need to eat something to live."  That's not the whole truth. My parents are working some days but most of the time they're in the basement for the whole day and only come out when I tell them I made dinner.

„Let's eat the food of my personell for now and another time you can teach me. After I take care of our problems." My parents are the problem he's talking about and taking care of them must mean he'll kill them. Does he really think I will stay by his side if he does this? Does he think I will stay next to him after he even thought about that?

,,You don't wanna cook with me?'' I say with a sad voice.

Luke looks surprised and kinda hurt ,,NO NO. I really WANT to cook with you. Let's it later. Okay?''

I look at him with my big puppy eyes.

„Bella. Stop. Stop acting." He says and looks me sternly in the eyes.
He knew? Why did he play along then. I feel ashamed and look away.

„I don't like it when you Act like this. I love it when you are yourself."

,,How can I be myself in this situation? You don't let me have any chance''

He sighs disappointed.

,,I promise you. I promise you we'll cook one day together. We'll do anything you want when the time comes. When you feel like you want to do something with me''

He promises me.

My heart aches by these words. Because I know this will never happen. It won't. Because I know I'll never forgive him. This is the second time he broke my heart. First he lied. Second he kidnaps me and holds me against my will.
How can ANY person forgive someone who did these things?

,,I don't need your promises! Keep them to yourself'' I answer harsh and I think I just ruined his mood with that.

I can see his anger growing.

,,Bella. Don't you understand that I just try to make you like me?!''

„That's not how this works. You can't MAKE anyone like you. If they do, they do. If not, then not. You talk like you some kind of king who will order me to love you." After saying this words I bring my hand up to my mouth. I didn't intend to say that. Especially not this hatful.

Right when the food Is brought in Luke calls for Carlos.

Carlos comes into the room and looks first at Luke and then at me. He has his emotionless mask on again. No annoyance to be found.

„Take her to her room and stay with her. Food will be brought up."

,,What?! So you just order to bring me back to my room cause it doesn't suite you how I talk? How I face you with the truth? You can't make me love you!''

Luke silently orders Carlos with his eyes to leave the room and so did he. Not without closing the door though.

And somehow Lukes aura became scary. He's too calm. I know he would've been full of rage by now.

He slowly steps to me and I step back.
Why is he coming over here?!

,,So you don't love me? Are you sure?''

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