Chapter 10

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Bellas pov

"Is it here?" Of course it is here, why do I ask?

I look at the breathtaking restaurant in front of me when we entered it. Directly on the catch we were received by a blond waiter and brought to our table, which Luke had reserved for us.
I could swear that this restaurant used to be used by Kings! It looked at least like that... everything shines and is decorated with gold.

The table we were brought to was almost completely filled and when I looked at the numerous men, my chin fell down. Am I here in a Hollywood casting ?? All of them were just as good looking as Luke.
But Lukes like from another world. Lukes Aura is similar to the men at the table, but I immediately noticed that his innate elegant way did not fit the rough and coarse kind of his brothers, ratherly cousins.

We sat on the last two empty chairs opposite and Luke was the first one who spoke. "Don't look at her guys. She'll get scared. "

Only now I realized how all of them the stared  at me. As if they could not believe what kind of being sits with them at a table. And suddenly, a feeling of the inheritance came across. Luke probably had always brought a different kind of girl to dinner until now. And not the way that comes with jeans to such a store.

"Luke You did not tell us how sweet your little one is," I heard one of them say. "Hey, my name is Xavier" He reached me his hand and immediately the thought shot me in my head that he's super friendly. I think he is the kind of guy who could insult you to death and nevertheless you would thin that he's friendly. Simply because he has a gentle and loving way to talk.
I reached him over my own hand and shook his. Xander took the next initiative and introduced himself as Xavier's twin brother. He was like the mirror of him, except that Xander radiates much more power.

Next are Vincent and Alvar. Vincent has a rather strange look in his eyes. As like suppressed fire would lurk in his eyes.
Alvar, however, in my opinion seems to be the most fearsome. Especially from the external. His full-expressed tattoos and his rigid and powerful look in his eyes reaffirm this.

"Hey ho, the last is the best! I am Danyel, although I'm one of the youngest of the family, I'm still the hottest one, of course is hard to overlook. "He winked me once and then grinned over his whole face. He is then probably the mood maker of the family.

"Nice to meet you all," I said and noticed too late that almost no loud came out. I could not help but feel like a sheep in a wolf backlash. I hope they've heard me anyway.

"So you're Bella, right?" Xavier said. "I'm surprised that you can withstand it with Luke."

"Oh haha ... Luke is a nice guy. Though He has a few puncher backstories. "

"Oh hell yes haha! Do you remember when Luke came one day home after school with a half-red tshirt?! I've been dead from laughing! He did not even realize that he walked like that around the school all day! Poor boy even wondered why everyone was avoiding him that day"
This was Danyel who spoke and punched at the  table while laughing.

"Come on ..." Luke interfere nervous.
„Yes Yes," Danyel calmed down slowly.

When the food arrived, we started to eat and meanwhile we talked. They asked me about my life, why I moved, what my parents do, How we had met ... and I answered them all questions, except for the last question.

"Bella?" Xander asks. "I asked how you can accept Luke?"

I did not understand the question.

"What do you mean by accepting ...?"

Luke interferes "He means that beating. My habit of punching people. Like Brandon. My anger issues..."

"And I mean that killing" Alvar says confused



."Luke does not kill. What are you talking about Hahaha "I still understood nothing.

But the mood at the table was way too serious. So there's no one joking here.

"Fuck you ... You Really Didn't tell her?" Alvar asked with shocked and at the same time disappointed expression.

"What do you mean? What is it all about?! "I straightened up and stared at each one in the face. And last in Luke's face, which looked at me with wide eyes.

"Luke ..?" I asked,

"I ..."

"We are the mafia" Answered Vincent for him the question. And he ... smiles? Is he amused??

"We are the mafia and all other girlfriends of us...all know that. We see that a matter of course. As soon as it gets serious, we inaugurate them early enough. "

I didn't even listen anymore. The last sentences were just blurred in my head. The only thing I saw were Luke's eyes. This look in his eyes ... so fear distorted and full of torment. I got up, took my pocket and went.

I did not look behind me when I opened the door and when the fresh cold air hugged me. I felt like I'm in trance. Everything is slower. As in slow motion.
The door behind me was reopened and Luke's voice was coming from a long tunnel into my ear.

"Bella please. Please. Please. Wait. "He took my wrist and clenches.
I endure the pain.

"Please Bella"

I ripped myself off him.
I do not want to see him.
I can not turn around.
If his eyes looked like at the table like if a knife rammed me into my heart, how did his eyes look now?

I don't want to remember his face like this.

I walked further and further, till I couldn't hear anything anymore.
Nobody was following me.

I fell to my knees and buried my face into my arms.
I cried.

And I knew that the pain I felt now was here to stay. In many forms. Through many nights. Weeks. Years.

I'm in love with someone who destroys and kills the love of other people and their loved ones.

//Author's note: Hey guys what's up! Hope y'all are fine!!
I uploaded a new book if you're interested, trying out something different than mafia. It's on my profile (Name: Don't forget me)
So read it if you want! I'd be so happy to see you there too:)))
BUT...I definitely WON'T neglect this one. I'll still try to upload every week a new chapter☺️
And again, thanks for all your support and I mean it! We nearly hit the 400.000 views on the first book and I'm speechless...THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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