Lost & Found

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Hi guys. Not sure how many of you are still around to read my stories, but, here's another for your reading pleasure after a long while of me not posting stories.

Author note:
The cadets are mid-to-late teens.
Swift and Penny are together like the majority of my stories.
Cheep and Chirp are older and can talk (a little). Imagine their appearance like Rod's siblings.



Speedy, Bea, Rod and Brody stood outside the cadets' quarters, while a storm of destruction wreaked havoc inside. They flinched whenever they heard a crash, scream or squawk from inside.

"She's turning our room upside down! Whatever she's lost had better be important for her to lock us out to look for it." Rod exclaimed with a pout and wings folded.

"I'm pretty sure it's important, Rod." Brody replied. "She wouldn't keep us out if it wasn't."

Another crash was heard.

"Any idea what she may have lost?" Bea asked.

"No idea." Brody replied, while Rod shook his head.

Shortly after that, Swift appeared.

"Hey, guys. What's going on? Why are you all standing outside our quarters? And where's Penny?" he asked.


"What was that?!" he exclaimed and asked.

"That!... Was Penny." Rod calmly replied, but with an annoyed tone.

"What!? Is she alright?! What's going on in there?!" Swift worriedly asked.

They then heard a loud squawk of anger and frustration.

"Oh no. She's really upset. Do you guys know why?" Swift stated and asked.

"All we know, is that she lost something, which is most likely very important to her." Speedy replied.

"And she won't let anyone in unless she finds it." Brody added.

"So I'm guessing she locked the door." Swift stated. Everyone nodded. "But, can't you override it?" he asked looking to Speedy and Bea.

"We can, but... we only use it for emergencies." Speedy replied.

Another crash was heard.

"I think stopping Penny from destroying part of HQ is kinda an emergency." Swift stated.

"He's got a point. I hope the damage isn't too bad." Bea stated.

"Alright. I'll override and unlock the door, but Swift's the only one to go in. I'll close it back once you're in." Speedy stated looking to the blue jay. Swift nodded. Speedy then started working through HQ's system on his tablet.

"Why does Swift get to go in?" Rod asked.

"Rod, do you think that question really needs an answer?" Brody replied, giving Rod an unamused expression.

"What do you-" Rod started but cut himself short upon realization. "Oh... right."

Shortly after Rod's statement, Speedy finished overriding the system and unlocked the door. The moment it opened, something flew across the room close to the door, which caused everyone to quickly move back.

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