Seeking Forgiveness

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Alrighty guys. This snippet doesn't tie in with my Top Wing world. This idea came to me after reading LaMilHistorias 'Incorrect Top Wing Quotes' book. This is base around her version of Swift's father. And after seeing what she's put up about him, this idea came to mind. So I consider this a little tribute to her. Hope you like it.

Also, be sure to read the end notes. I have an important announcement there.


Penny was chilling out under an umbrella on the beach, while the boys were out helping some of the island residence. She had eaten a few krill and slug icers, and had just closed her eyes when she was approached by someone.

"Um... excuse me..." the person asked.

Penny opened her eyes to see an adult blue-jay in front of her.

"Oh! Hello. Can I help you?" she greeted and asked.

"I hope so. I'm looking for a blue-jay by the name of 'Swift'. I was told I could find him somewhere on this island. Do you know him by any chance?" the blue-jay asked.

"Yea, I know Swift. He's a friend of mine. He's kind of busy at the moment. But I can call him and find out if he's done." Penny replied.

"I'd appreciate that, thank you." the blue-jay said with a slight bow. "If he's done, just tell him to meet you on the beach. If he asked why, tell him you have something for him. I want to surprise him."

"Oo-ooh!" Penny gushed. "I love surprises. Sure, no problem." she replied, before calling Swift.

"Hi Penny." Swift answered.

"Hey Swift! Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to find out if you were done." Penny asked.

"Almost. Did you want something?" he replied.

"Not really. But, can you meet me at the beach when you're done?" she asked.

"Um... sure. But... what for?" Swift asked.

"You'll see." she beamed.

"... ok. I'll see you in a bit." Swift replied, then ended the call.

Penny giggled. "He'll be here shortly." she told the blue-jay. "Oh! I'm Penny by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Penny. And thank you. But, I hope you don't mind that I don't tell you who I am just yet. I'll wait till Swift gets here." the blue-jay told her.

Penny was a bit curious as to why the blue-jay didn't want to tell her who he was, but she respected his decision and continued to relax under her umbrella. The blue-jay had gone to sit under a nearby tree while he waited.

It wasn't long till Swift called to let Penny know he was on his way. She told the blue-jay, who nodded and proceeded to hide behind the tree and wait. When Swift got to the beach, he parked the flash-wing not too far from Penny, before flying out of it and over to her.

"Hey, Penny. I'm here. So what's up." Swift asked, after landing in front of Penny.

Penny giggled. "There's someone here to see you." she told him.

Swift titled his head in confusion and curiosity. "Who?" he asked.

"Me." Swift heard a voice say. When he followed the voice, his expression changed to one of anger when he saw the blue-jay approaching them.

Penny saw this and became confused and a bit worried.

"What are YOU doing here?!" Swift demanded, putting himself between Penny and the blue-jay.

"I see you're still mad at me." the blue-jay calmly stated.

"Then leave!" Swift demanded.

"Junior, please. I want to make things right between us. Just give me a chance." the blue-jay begged.

Swift felt his feathers stand on ends when he called him that.

"DON'T... call me Junior, or son, or even by name. Besides, you had plenty of chances. Why do you think now would be any different. Is it because I'm older and will understand better?" Swift asked, but not really wanting to know. "Well you know what... I don't care!"

"What should I call you then?" the blue-jay asked.

"How about what you've always called me... 'Boy!' Or more specifically... 'THAT boy!'" Swift angrily replied.

The blue-jay's eyes widened before looking down in shame.

"Penny..." Swift said in a calm voice to get her attention. She responded while looking up at him worriedly. "Get your things and get in the flash-wing. I'll be with you shortly."

"...Swift..." She said in a soft, worried tone.

"Penny, please..." he said, almost begging.

Penny said nothing and packed her things. It wasn't much, so she was done quickly. She made her way to the flash-wing and waited.

All the while Penny was packing up, nothing was said between the two blue-jays. Swift continued to coldly stare at the older jay, who continued to look down in shame.

"I'm leaving now. And I better not see you around here after this meeting. And if you decide to stay... keep away from my friends... especially, Penny." Swift warned, before flying off to the flash-wing, and taking off.

The blue-jay watched as Swift took off and disappeared. He let out a heavy sigh and plopped down on the ground, resting his head in his hand in defeat.

"What do I do now?" 


Hope you all enjoyed it.

Now... the announcement.

I plan on making this a full story. Not sure how long, but I'm hoping it doesn't turn out longer than I plan. Of course, that is if LaMilHistorias doesn't mind. I pretty much know how I want the story to go. The only problem I have, is trying to come up with a good enough reason as to why Swift hates his father so much. So that's where you guys come in. Give me your suggestions and I'll see what I can do.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I look forward to your feedback. 

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