She'll be fine, Don't worry

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This story has been sitting in my drafts for a while now. This is because , like my story 'Caught Breaking the Number One Rule', I had planned for this to be a full story, but got stuck. So figured I might as well submit it as it is. Remember, they are teenagers.

Hope you like it. Enjoy.


Quick story note: Penny is getting ready to leave HQ to visit her family.
Author note: This was written before we were introduced to Penny's family. 


Everyone was gathered in the garage near the Aqua Wing.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come along, Penny?" Swift asked.

Penny giggled. "It's ok, Swift. You guys don't need to come with me. I'm just visiting my family." she replied. "And I know you guys don't do well with cold weather, so it's best you don't come."

"Alright." Swift reluctantly gave in. "But if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to call."

"Will do." Penny replied with a smile.

They gave each other 'see you later' kisses; Penny on Swift's cheek, and Swift on Penny's forehead.

"I'll see you guys later." Penny waved to the others before jumping into the Aqua Wing.

They waved in return with 'see you later' and 'say hi to your family for us', before she closed the hatch and took off.

"She'll be fine, Swift." Bea told him once Penny was gone.

"I know she will. She's a tough bird, and can handle herself. So I'm not too worried." Swift replied.

"Glad to hear it. Alright cadets, back to the control room for your assignments." Speedy stated as he began to make his way to the elevators. The others followed, except Swift, who looked back once more to where Penny left, with a worried expression.

"Be careful and stay safe, Pen." he thought, before turning back and following after the others.


Here you go guys. Hope it was ok.  

I have a follow up story already written out for this one. I just have to finish it. XD

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