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I'd like to mention, that this snippet is NOT linked to any of the previous ones. I just couldn't think of a more appropriate setting. Also, I'm really happy you guys are enjoying these and that I inspire you to write your own.


Bea and Penny were in the garage, working on the Aqua Wing. Bea was fixing an issue as well as making a few upgrades to the vehicle, and Penny was helping in whatever way she could. It was her vehicle after all.

When they were done, they sat on the floor to have a quick snack break and chat for a bit, before heading to the control room. During their chat, Bea asked Penny something she genuinely became curious about.

"Hey, Penny? Can I ask you something?" Bea asked.

"You just did." Penny replied with a giggle, after she stopped snacking on her kelp-icer. "Sure you can."

Bea giggled. "Right. Well, this just crossed my mind and made me a bit curious." she started.

Penny tilted her head slightly in curiosity, wordlessly asking what it is.

"Well, you're the only girl on the team, and you cadets are going to be together for quite a while. So you'll be growing up together and experiencing changes with your body, especially with emotions." Bea began. "My question is; if all three of the boys were to, for some reason, fall for you, who would you choose?"

Penny blushed. "O-oh! Well... they are my best friends, and I care about all of them, but... i-if I had to choose, it would be between Swift or Brody." she replied.

"Huh. Why not Rod?" Bea asked.

"Don't get me wrong. Rod's a great bird and friend, but I'm a water bird. And he's not keen on getting his feathers wet. I'm sure you get where I'm going with this." Penny replied.

Bea nodded. "Ok. So why Swift? I understand Brody, because he's also a water bird, which would work out for you, but why Swift?" she asked.

Penny was getting red now. "W-well... S-Swift is a well rounded bird. He's not a water bird, but isn't afraid to get his feathers wet. He's very brave and isn't afraid of anything... as far as we all know anyway. He's just a really great bird." she replied. She would say more, but decided not to.

"Hmm. I see." Bea softly stated. Although on the inside she was smiling knowingly. "Well, I'm not saying that they will feel such a way towards you. I just wanted to know who you'd choose if it ever happens. But I guess if it ever does happen, you'd have already made your choice."

Penny nodded in response.

"Alright. We best get back to the control room and see what's happening." Bea stated, as she got up from the floor. "Sorry if that question made you uncomfortable, Penny." she apologized.

"It's ok, Bea." Penny replied, getting up as well. "No harm done. It was an insightful question, so at least I have a chance to think about it and be ready for if it happens."

Bea nodded and gestured to Penny for them to go up. Penny obliged and followed till they got into the elevator and went up to the control room.

Although Penny told Bea she would be choosing between Swift or Brody, the young penguin's heart had made its choice long ago.


Alright, that's it for this one. This has been on my mind for a while, so now it's finally written out.

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