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I'm just trying something with this one. I hope you guys like it. Keep in mind, they are in their mid to late teens.


Penny sat on the sandy ground of the moonlit beach, with her legs bent up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. Her head rested on her knees as she sadly looked down in thought, listening to the waves crashing onto the shore in hopes it will help her calm down and think.

She sat in silence for a few minutes, before she heard a familiar voice in front of her. One she knew all too well.

"I figured I'd find you here," they said in a calm, caring and worried tone.

Penny briefly looked up sadly at the blue-jay, before looking back down at the sand. Swift frowned and sat next to her.

"I'm here to listen and talk when you're ready." He gently stated. Penny continued to look at the ground, which worried the blue-jay even more. But he sat quietly next to her until she was ready.

After a good 5 to 10 mins, she finally spoke up.

"I just don't know what to do." Penny sadly stated, still looking at the sand and waves.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Swift gently asked. "You kinda just left the academy without a word."

Penny nodded. 

"I was speaking to my parents. Everything was going fine until they brought up the topic of mates and courting season. They felt it necessary since I'm at that point in my life where I would have to choose one. When I told them I was already being courted, and what kind of bird you are, they didn't take it too well. They think I chose you because there weren't any other penguins around and that I just chose anyone because of it. When I tried to defend myself and you, they said something that really hurt." Penny explained in a cracking voice. "They said to choose which I prefer. Them... or you." she finished.

Swift frowned all the while she was explaining and felt bad that he was the cause of her situation. After a short pause, she spoke again.

"I don't know what to do. I love my family and don't want to lose them. But..." she looks up at the blue-jay next to her. "... I love you, too and don't want to lose you either."

Swift looked down sadly at the penguin before responding.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Penny. Of course, I can't tell you what to do. This is your choice to make, and I'll respect your decision no matter what." Swift sadly stated.

"Swift... you-you're willing to let me go if I chose my family over you?" Penny asked in disbelief. 

"My grandfather once told me, 'when you're stuck between two things or persons that you really love, choose the one that makes you feel the happiest'. If... I-if that's your choice, and it makes you happy... t-then yes, I'm willing to let you go," he replied, looking away. 

Penny took in everything as she looked up at the blue-jay in wondrous admiration. She then looked down in front of her in thought.

"Choose the one that makes you feel the happiest." Penny thought. Her frown then grew into a smile. She looked up at him one more time, before she got up and sat sideways on his lap, wrapped her wings around his waist and nuzzled under his beak. This caught the blue-jay off guard, causing him to blush.

"Um, P-Penny? What...?" Swift stuttered.

"I've made my choice." Penny simply replied.

"What? A-are you s-sure?" Swift nervously asked. He didn't want to be the reason for Penny breaking ties with her family.

Penny shifted her body to look up at him while still sitting on his lap.

"Yes, I'm sure," she replied. "Swift... you've been courting me for a while now. And, as much as I love my family, I do have to leave the nest at some point. If I were to choose them over you, it means I'd be breaking the bond that we have developed during that time, and I'd probably end up with someone who won't make me as happy as you have." she explained.

Swift smiled. "We do have a really strong bond, don't we?" he stated, bringing his hand up to gently cup her cheek. Penny smiled and gave a short hum before she looked down in thought, causing her to frown a bit.

"Swift? I... hope I don't sound selfish, and I don't mean to if I do. But, you... you'd do the same for me, right? If... if your family didn't approve of our relationship and you had to choose between us." Penny asked. 

Swift gave a soft chuckle. "I already made that choice the moment I started to court you. But, it all depended on you and how you felt. It depended on if you'd reciprocate my feelings towards you and if you'd want to stay with me. I can't deny that you've made me the happiest I've ever been when you returned my feelings, which led to me courting you. And because of that, we've formed a very strong emotional bond. In short, yes. I'd choose you if my family didn't approve of our relationship and forced me to make a choice." he replied.

"Swift... d-do you... r-really mean that?" Penny asked with tears in her eyes.

Swift smiled and nodded. 

Penny gave a short happy giggle before she lunged herself at the blue-jay, almost knocking him over.

"Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love you more than I already do," she whispered as she embraced the blue-jay.

Swift chuckled and wrapped his wings around her, holding her close while nuzzling the side of her head.

"I don't care what my family says. I don't regret choosing you as my future mate, Swift." Penny admitted.

This caused Swift to turn red, as he felt his heart start racing. He tightened his hold on the penguin and replied.

"And I don't regret choosing you to be mine," he whispered. "And, Penny...?"

"Hm?" she replied.

"I want you to remember, that no matter what happens, that I love you, no matter what," Swift stated.

Penny smiled, tightening her hold on him. "That goes for me too, Swift. I'll try talking to my parents again and see if I can get them to accept you and our relationship. If not, well... I still have you and the others as my family." Penny stated.

The two young lovebirds stayed on the beach a little longer, enjoying each other's company and the calming sound of the waves hitting the shore. It didn't take long for Penny to fall asleep. Swift chuckled at how cute she was before he got up while carrying her bridal style. He kissed her forehead and she instinctively snuggled up to his chest. Swift smiled and softly chuckled, before flying back to HQ.


And, that's it. I just wanted to try something a little different. I hope you liked it.

Feedback greatly appreciated.

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