Dreams of Doubt

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Ok, so this idea kinda stemmed from my last snippet, and once again, it just wouldn't leave me alone till I wrote it out, so here it is.

First some clarification: 1. They are adults and have their own place. 2. Penny is not as short as she is in the show compared to Swift. Her height compared to Swift is like Bea compared to Speedy. 3. This is NOT NSFW and they are NOT naked. I am not comfortable nor am I able to do such writing. They are just being affectionate with each other like most couples are.Alright, now with that out of the way. Please enjoy! XD


"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

"No..." Swift whispered in disbelief, as he watch Penny get married to another penguin.

After the ceremony...

"Penny... why?"

"I'm sorry, Swift. I got tired of waiting. Besides, it wouldn't have worked out between us anyway."

Penny said her goodbye when her new husband came up to them and took her away. Swift called out to her, but no sound came out, as he watched her get further and further away before his vision went black.

Swift woke up with a gasped and sat up, his breathing shallow. He quickly took in his surrounding and saw that he was in his room. He looked down at the space beside him on the bed to see a penguin sleeping soundly, while snoring very lightly. He took a deep breathe and let out a sigh of relief.

"... Another bad dream..." he thought, looking straight ahead in thought. "But... why do I keep getting them all of a sudden? They're different, yet... the same. They all have to do with Penny leaving me for a penguin... her own kind."

He turns to look at the penguin sleeping next to him. "But..." he looks at the wedding band on her wrist. "...why now? Why almost a year after our union?" He looks up at a nest-like bassinet next to their bed behind her. "Why shortly after we were finally able to have our own egg? Am I... am I doubting that it's really mine?"  

Swift was so focused on the egg while deep in thought, that he didn't realize Penny stirring. 

"Swift?" she asked, seeing the blue-jay up, and his expression while staring at the egg. 

Swift snapped out of his trance and looked down at her.

"Are you ok?" Penny asked.

Swift smiled. "Yea, I'm fine. Did I wake you? Sorry if I did." he replied.

Penny shook her head as she looked up at him. A few seconds passed before she gave an exasperated sigh.

"What's wrong?" she knowingly asked.

Swift sighed. "Penny... have you.... have you ever had any second thoughts or regrets about choosing me as your mate?" he asked.

This caught Penny off guard.

"Where's this coming from?" she thought.

"No." she looked up in thought. "Well, second thoughts; yes... but that was before our confessions." she then sat up. "After you started courting me... no. Then when I accepted your proposal... I had no second thoughts and definitely no regrets." she replied with a smile. But her expression soon changed to one of concern. "Why do you ask all of a sudden?"

Swift gave another sigh and told her about the dreams he's been having. Her expression went from concerned to worried.

"You're... you're doubting that it's really yours." Penny clarified. Swift said nothing. He couldn't really say anything, because he had just asked himself that before she woke up.

"You've never had such dreams. Not even after our union. For you to get them suddenly after having the egg... it means you're doubting that it's really yours. And... doubting my faithfulness." she said, looking away from him sadly.

"I don't doubt that it's mine, Pen. Or your faithfulness. I know you'd never do that. It's just..." he looked from her, to the egg, then back at her. "I think the disbelief that we were really able to have one, may have caused some doubt in my subconscious. But consciously, I don't doubt it. I know it's mine..." he wrapped his wings around her and pulled her close. "Ours... and I'm sorry if what I said hurt you. I didn't mean to. I just couldn't understand why I was having those dreams." He said, nuzzling the side of her head to show he was sorry.

Penny looked at the egg, thinking for a bit before sighing and returning the nuzzle to say she accepted his apology.

"It's ok, Swift. I know you meant no ill will. But, in all honesty, I probably would feel the same if I was in your place. I mean... *giggles* a penguin and a blue-jay having an egg is unheard of." Penny stated.

Swift chuckled. "Guess we just got lucky."

"That... or we were given a miracle." Penny stated, as they both looked to the egg with a smile. They stared at it for a while, till Swift spoke up.

"You know," he started, tightening his hold around Penny. "Despite your reassurance, I may still have those dreams." he despondently admitted.  

Penny shifted around in his wings till she was able to wrap her wings around his waist and nuzzle under his beak.

"It's ok, Swift. They're just dreams of your subconscious doubts. If they don't stop after this, chances are they will once the egg hatches. What's important, is that you know it's yours, and that's all that matters." She tiredly reassured him.

Swift chuckled and nuzzled back. "Thanks, Pen. For everything." he thanked her, at which he received a response of a subconscious hum and light snores from the now sleeping penguin.

Swift smiled and kissed her forehead, before gently bringing them both to lie down. Penny tightened her hold and snuggled more into him once her body touched the bed. Swift chuckled as he placed his hand on her cheek and gently caressed it, earning him a smile and a hum of content from her sleeping form.

"You know, sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to have you as my mate. But, then I remember when we confessed our feeling for each other. Since then, we've always been there for each other. We've had our ups and downs, but we always worked things out in the end. Our feelings... our love for each other grew stronger and stronger each day, which led us to where we are now. I know you've been faithful to me, Penny; just as I have been faithful to you." he thought, then looked up at the egg.

"And this egg... whether it's luck or a miracle... is the result of our love and faithfulness. And nothing is going to make me think otherwise... not even that little bit of doubt in my subconscious." were his final thoughts, before wrapping his wings around her and falling back asleep as well.


Aaaaaand this one wound up being long, but meh. 

So uh, my love of interspecies relationships and the impossible becoming possible and having watched way too much Maury... yea, this story was the result.Hope you liked it.

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