Chapter 3

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When I wake up I was in a cold room on a hard bed. I look around I see I am in a plain room, there was a door, I ran over, it was locked. "HEY!!! HEY WHERE AM I!!??" I screamed, "HELLO!??" I yelled. Then I heard locks getting undone, I stepped back as it swung open where I see a boy, who looked to be my age with bronze hair and green eyes.

"Who the hell are you? Where am I?" I say angirly. "I'm Nickolas, Nick for short." "Where am I?" I ask him. "Your in a safe place." "Really? I was safe with my family, you kidnapped me and then knocked me out!" I scream, he comes in and shuts the door. "You wouldn't stop fighting me." "What the hell do you expect me to do? Thank you for kidnapping me!?" I scream at him.

"Where are they?" "Right where I left them Holly." "How the hell do you know my name?" "Because I know your future." "Oh yeah and what is it? Cause i see myself killing you." He winces, "No, I see you. The girl from the prophecy." I gasp, anger fading away and fear overtaking me. "Y-you have the wrong girl." "No we don't." "We?" I questioned.

"Follow me." "Like hell." He sighs, rolling his eyes and grabbing my wrist. "Ow!" I hit him as he lets me go. "Look." He motions to the hallway were kids were in Blue uniforms, both girls and boys. "This is Hamilton Private School for Special Gifters, or HPSSG for short. Only a few governments know and very few people. Your safe with your powers here." "Like hell."

"The headmaster wants to see us, let's go." I follow him, glaring at him the whole time, we stop in front of golden doors with designs on them. Then they open, when we walk in there was a huge office, the walls were brown, the floor black and the desk was also brown with a velvet couch in the corner infront of a glass coffee table.

"Nickolas your here with our newest gifter." A man said, I looked up to se a man with grey hair wearing a suit. "Hello sir." Nick bowed, I looked at him weirdly. "Holly I am James Carvin the headmaster." No duh, I say in my head. "I have mind powers Ms. Marvin." I look down with a blush, "Here is you school outfit and schedule. My head snaps to his, "I do not belong here."

"I belong with my family. Bring me to my family." I say to him, "I want my family and home." "This is your home now." Nick grabbed my things as he took my wrist and dragged me out. "Let go of me!" I punched him, he looks at me as we make it to the hall. "Let me go." I snarl at him, "Now you listen here kid, I'm on duty with you. It is my job to make sure you understand the rules you either follow then or die. You disrespect me and I'll disrespect you to."

I glared at him, his face an inch from mine. I then spat on it. "Asshole." He picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, "Let me down you perverted asshole!" I yell, people look at me, "What are you staring at!?" I scream at them, I hit Nick's back, then I was thrown on the ground. He shuts the door once he is in, he goes to a wall a presses a brick, a door shoes up. "Here is your bathroom." He says.

His eyes were blazing with anger as he looked at me. "Leave." I say. He slams the door shutbehind him, I hear locks on the other side. There wasn't even a fucking handle. Looking around the small room, there was at least a window, looking out of it I see the courtyard, kids were all laughing and playing around. I sink to the floor, tears falling down my face.

I bring my knees up to my chest, sobbing into them. I didn't know how long I was there but I soon felt a presence. Looking up I see a boy, he maybe was 16 or 17. He was in the blue uniform, his eyes were gone, covered with blackness. He then looks at me as I stare back at him, I tilt my head, "What happened to you?" I ask, his eyes widen, "Are you talking to me?" "Who else would I be talking to?"

I questions him he was suddenly in front of me, I jump back, my head bangs the wall. "How can you see me? Hear me?" "Uh, I have powers of death." He backs up, there was no eyes at all, just blackness. "What's your name?" He asks, "Holly. You?" "Mark." "How long have you been dead?" He was floating in the air, maybe just a foot. "There was a fire, I was the only one that didn't survive." I nod.

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