Chapter 9

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We have been at this island for 5 weeks I'm pretty sure. It's not so bad, Nick and I have gotten really close. I kind of have a crush on him now and that isn't good because 1. Everyone I love is in danger. 2. We are stuck on a lord forsaken island, just the two of us. And 3. I don't know how long we will be here. My day consists of a shower, breakfast, read a book, go outside, spend some time in the lake, lunch, read even more. Dinner, wine and talk with Nick. I literally know everything about him now and he knows everything about me.

I tap into the islands magic once in a while, everytime getting just a bit stronger. Today I was bored of reading, Nick was hunting for some food. I was in the front yard of the meadow where flowers were growing, the grass was sawying in the light breeze, you could smell the flowers, trees and the pond water. It would be heaven if I literally wasn't stuck here.

The sun was shining brightly down on me, I was only on a sports bra and some short shorts. I was going to try to get deeper into the hidden magic here. My legs were apart just slightly, my hands to my side and facing the cloudless sky. "Ok, you got this Holly. Your a powerful being." I take a deep breath in as I search for the magic around this big island.

I then feel a wave of magic hit me. I foucus on that one spot. I breath out then back in deeply. "Holly?" Nick says to me, "Shhh...." My voice fades as I let my head fall back. I focus on that spot again. "Ok." I feel my hands shake as I use everything in my power to soak of the magic. I feel something trickling down my nose. I then scream as I feel the energy hit me like a ton of bricks.

I take a few steps back to regain my balance. Something was falling down my nose quickly, I felt it hit my chest. I open my eyes, seeing Nick with a horrified look onhis face. I then fall. He catches me, laying me on the ground. "I'll be back. You stay awake." He then gets up and runs away. A few minutes later he was back, lifting my head up onto his lap he puts a cloth on my nose.

I felt like my eyes were heavy. I felt drained, given I just soaked up so mych magical energy. "Ok, you over used your powers." He takes the bloddy cloth from my nose, wiping my chest. I stare at his face, "Go to sleep Holly." I slowly close my eyes as darkness overtakes me. When I wake up I was in the bedroom, the door was open and there was a delicious smell.

Footsteps came up the hall way, I saw Nick there. He looked at me, "Thank the lord your awake." He comes over quickly and hugs me. "You've been sleeping for 36 hours." I hum, "I'll get you some food and water. You stay here." I hum again as I sit up more. Nick walks out, coming back a few minutes later witha tray of food and a glass of water.

"Here." He hands me it, "Thanks." I clear my vouce with a wince. "Do you want me to read to you?" "Sure." "I found this amazing book full of poems and amazing quotes." He climbs on the bed and sits right next to me. He opens the book and starts reading the poems. I held a smile on my face as he reads them. "OK this one made methink of you." He smiles at me, I give him a smile of my own.

Don't compare your life to others.
There's no comparison between
the sun and moon.
They shine when it's there time

"Wow." I smile at him, He nods. "I compare my life to others all the time." "I know." He says with a smile. "Here's another one." He turns a few pages and starts reading

Only trust someone who can see these threee things in you
The sorrow behind your smile,
The love behind your anger,
And the reason behind your silence.

I smile as he reads it to me. "Ok I wanna find one for you know." I take the book away from him. Looking through the pages for a while I find the perfect one for him.

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