Chapter 6

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When I wake up I heard a fire crackling loudly. Opening my eyes I see Jason putting more branches into the fire. When he hears me wake up he comes over.

"Hey, it's been a day. How you feeling?" "Starving." He helps me sit up against a tree, handing me some meet. "Deer." I nod as I start eating it. "When light comes we'll start heading towards your father. They hiked farther into the woods, hiding out in a small village." I nod, "How far away is it?" I ask him, "About 200 miles." My eyes widen.

"I can run fast, I'll carry you and we will be there by tomorrow night." I nod, "Will you not get tired?" He shakes his head. When I was done eating and the sun started to rise Jason puts the fire out.

I hop into his arms as I lay my head against his chest as he starts running, soon it was like a normal being but it soon started to turn into a fast animal like run. My hair was whipping in my face. I stuffed it into his chest. "So what did they do to you?" I ask him, "Electrocuted me, took my blood, tried bringing out the darkness inside me. Broke every bone in my body thinking it was pain that brought it out, but anger mixed with something that has to do with you, makes it come out."

I nod, "Are you still ok with being sired to me then? Even after everything?" "Yes. No matter how bad I get hurt or how man times I was nearly dead I'd still want to serve you in any way I can." He says to me. I huff, "I hate it though. You lost your freedom, your life. You lost everything." "But gained something to."

"Like what?" I ask him, he looks down s me, "You. Your father, Carly, her parents but mostly you. I was a complete dick before I almost died. You saved me more then you think." "But you have a darkness now." "And I've come to terms with it. Don't hate it unless I hate it because I honestly think it's cool."

I laugh, shaking my head. "Ok I am starving and thirsty." Jason sets me down, "It's about noon so we are halfway there." He says I nod, forming ester in front of us, we both drink it. Then we kill an animal, I fry it with my fire, it was a little burnt but I could care less. When we were done we drank more water and he started to run again.

I was on his back now. "So what are some other things you can do now?" I ask him, "I have great hearing and smell, I'm really strong and obviously fast. My fire and water powers are s lot more pronounced and stronger." He explains, I nod.

"I have all the powers known to man." "Yeah, totally awesome." "Not really, it's a huge ass responsibility. I've had then since I was a young child. They all came over the years. Got stronger when I turned 18. My powers are no joke, If I get manipulated into the wrong hands it could be the end of the world as we know it."

"Damn." "Yeah." I say, it was silent for a while, a comfortable silence between us. "Do you use your powers all the time?" "Only when I need to." I say to him as it soon became darker. The sun was now sat. Then he stops, I get off of him, there was a village a few feet away.

Tree's surrounding us, green grass, animals all around. Flowers. "Let's head in." We start walking in, people look at us. "Do you know where John Marvin is?" I ask a nice looking lady. "The other side of the village sweets." "Thank you." We jog to the other side of the small village.

There I see my father working on a house, Layla and Carly were gardening in the one next to it. Then I saw Collin come out of the house. "Go." Jason whispers. "DAD!!" I yell, I didn't need to.

He spun around, his eyes and wide. Carly and her parents look at me. "Dad it's me. It's Holly. I'm back. Daddy I'm back." I take a few steps forward.

He runs at me as I do the same. I crash into him as my arms wrap around his neck and his around my waist. "Oh my Lord. My daughter your home." I sob into his chest. "I'm home. I am so sorry I was gone so long."

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