Chapter 7

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The next morning we all were outside, washing ourselves up a little bit. When I was done washing my face and arms I dried off in the sun, it was hot out so the boys were in some shorts while us girls were in a sports bra and some shorts washing ourselves up, our clothes were drying off since we needed some change of clothes that didn't stink half as bad.

I was laying on the grass next to Holly and Layla when I felt a burning sensation in my chest making me yell. The boys run over, "Her tattoo, they've activated it." Jason said in a worried tone. I claw at my chest, my back arches, I felt like I was being burned alive. My blood was boiling, sweat as pouring down my face. I scream as the burning sensation goes throughout my whole body.

"She is hot!" Carly says worried, "Get me some damp clothes or something!" Jason yells, I scream again as black spots cloud my vision and I pass out. I felt my spirit zoom out of me, going someplace. When I open my eyes I was in my old room, at the school. Looking around I gasp. Then I see Mark float in. He looks at me, his eyes wide. "Your dead?!"

I look down at myself, I was floating a few inches in the air. "Oh my god." I say. "How did you die?" "Burned alive by the tattoo Mrs. Lorvin put on my chest." "Ouch. Well I'm glad I have someone new to talk to." I roll my eyes, "Wanna see something?" "Uh, sure?" I ask, we float through a wall which was weird. I follow him to Mr. Carvin's office. "You know that room?" "Yeah the one you told me about."

"Look! It's bad." We float through the wall where I see someone tied to a chair, he was a boy, black hair, blinded, he also had scratches and bruises. The wall opens, looking over I see Mr. Carvin. "How are ya there Liam?" He asks with a smirk, he goes over and takes off his blind. Liam glares at him. "It doesn't matter if my brother finds her or not, your gonna kill me either way."

"Maybe." Putting the blind on him again he opens the door, I look in and see rows upon rows of children in blue uniforms, they looked like they were dead. Grey skin, skinny as hell. I gasp as I walk-float in the room. "Oh my God!" I sob, going over to a small child who looked to be only 3 Green and brown mist was coming out of her, into the vine that was holding her.

"Yeah, ever since you left Mr. Carvin brings more kids in here, he's now killed 3 more since you left." "What is it powering?" I ask him, going over to a huge ass crystal where all the mists were besides purple and white which was death and life. "Her, this is giving her a boost in her powers, she can't steal the other powers which she was pretty pissed off about but it gives her powers which is mind, body and nature a huge boost. She also somehow barely controls death, she kills soliders and controls them with her mind. She's sent out many of those."

"She can't necisarrily control death she just kills and uses her mind to control them." "Right. Oh look a child is dying." He points to a boy, maybe 8, the vine was now flickering red-fire. Then it goes out. A man then comes in, looking dead, unhooks him and carries him out. "Where is he taking him?" "To the dungeons where the other bodies are." "I-I can feel his spirit here."

"Yeah." I turn to Mark, "Mark-" Then I felt myself getting shot back, my eyes close as I feel the wind pass me, everything goes black.

"Holly! Holly wake up!" I shoot up, looking around I see dad, Carly, Layla, Collin and Jason. "You just died." Carly says, I nod, "I know my spirit went to the the school. Guys she is powering her powers with the kids at the school by a crystal ball. When I was there an 8 year old boy died. She is draining them of their powers to boost her own. She is controlling the dead man after me."

As I explained they all looked wide eyed, "He is hurting Nick's brother, Liam. He doesn't deserve that. He'll kill him." "Who is Nick?" Dad asks, "He is the guy who kidnapped me the first time. I spent a day with his brother he was actually not an ass. He doesn't deserve to die." I say to him, "And Nick is looking for me. If he finds me I don't know what he'll do."

The Myth of Herजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें