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I'm finding myself back in the library.

Midterms are coming up, and I have a lot to do. Due to joining the hockey team, I have fallen behind on some of my coursework.

I'm still not sure whether I love this library or not. It's got this rusty feel to it, but at the same time, it's modern. It's the modern part of this library I don't like. It takes away from the character libraries have. I'm someone that pays attention to the details—I like seeing the chipped tables with things scribbled on them and books with broken spines on the wooden shelves.

Here in this library, it's all polished white. The tables, the bookshelves, all of it is a deep white.

Darlene is sitting across from me. Her hair is up in a bun, whereas I have a pink hair claw clip in mine. She has her pen between her teeth, fully concentrating on the book in front of her. Occasionally she writes something down in her notebook.

I've lost my focus the second my phone had buzzed beside me. I've been looking at the screen since but haven't written a reply yet.

Del: Want me to pick you up later? x

I am not sure what I should reply to him. I want to see Del—but do I want him to come here and have his affection for me displayed to everyone here in the library?

It's Monday now. Two days after our kiss. Technically, one day—as it all happened after midnight, meaning it was already Sunday.

He took me home after the diner we went to when we left the party. When we got home, he hugged me and kissed the top of my head. But didn't touch my lips again. I was kind of disappointed he didn't. I wanted him to kiss me again.

"What's got you so distracted?" Darlene perks up, noticing my lack of studying.

I jump at the sudden disruption of my thoughts. Had I gotten that lost in my thoughts that Darlene noticed?

"Oh, nothing..." I say.

I haven't told her about the kiss yet. I haven't shared my progress with Del at all with her. I mean, it all happened after that party which was only two weeks ago, and I've been busy with the team that I didn't see her.

I know I should tell her at one point, but I fear being judged by her. I know she would support me, but she is also very protective, and I know she won't trust Del—given his history.

"I'm calling bullshit. Who is texting you?" She demands.

Here we go.

"Umm... it's Del."

A silence falls upon us as she takes in what I said. I can see her brain trying to work things out. The last time I spoke about Del, it wasn't anything positive.

"Del? As in captain of the hockey team Del?" She asks, and I nod in response, "What does he want from you? Is he bothering you? Do you need me to stand up to him?" She starts to ramble on.

She says what I thought she would say, first assuming only bad things about Del. I hate that she immediately associates him with bad things. Nevertheless, I can't blame her—I did that too.

I hold my hand up, gesturing for her to stop talking.

"No, nothing like that... the opposite actually..." I trail off, not knowing how to bring this.

"So what is it then."

I take a deep breath before I'm ready to spill the following few words to her.

"Well, we maybe... sort of... kissed?" I mumble quietly, but it's loud enough for her to hear my words. I fidget with the elastic band on my wrist as I say the words—a nervous habit.

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