chapter 2

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At hospital

Sancar was searching everywhere for Nare. He had called her many times, Zehra Kavruk. Nobody seems to have found her contact yet. He was growing suspicious. He took yahya by his arm in corner. Elvan saw that from distance. 'where is nare?'

'how do I know brother'

'how did you find the video'

' that boy helped me with the video he is a shepherd and he took it'

'then why he didn't give it before'

'you ask him yourself. Yusuf, come here, my brother wants to ask you few questions'

'sure brother' said yusuf

'when did you take this video and how?'

' I was out in night brother, I saw and quickly took the video. When police were searching I gave them this video. I am so happy you are free'

Sancar got a doubt, this cant be this boys video. There is more to it.

'dad where are you? Granny is out from the operation theatre' said melek

They all rushed to halise, she was still unconscious but doctors said that it was a successful operation and everyone thanked God and doctor.

Melek held sancar's hand and said that ' where is mum, call her again?'

Sancar called nare's phone again. Muge was with nare when her phone rang. Muge looked at phone, nare collected herself and picked up the phone.

'hello nare!' said Sancar, excitement and relief in his voice was apparent. Melek smiled too.

'where are you, I want to see you. I called you so many times. Mum is alright we are at hospital. Melek is also waiting for you, where are you?'

' I am at home'

' come over'

'I cannot come sancar'

'I know you want me to come. I am coming now.'

'Sancar' said nare with a grave silence in her voice

Sancar could sense it and he said ' nare you are scaring me. Tell me if there is something'

'I have married gediz'

This fell like a lightening on sancar's ears. His throat became dry and he held his ground tightly ' what did you do?'

Nare stayed quite. 'nare I know you have done this under duress, tell me who is it? Wait I will come over. Sancar cut the phone and picked his car quickly. Cursing and swearing at gediz. What is this gediz upto. He has totally lost control.

Nare went downstairs and told gediz that she told sancar about their marriage. Gediz grew anxious and nervous. Refika became worried too. ' gediz..gediz..what have you done? Sancar will lose the hell on you'


Sancar 's car reached and they could hear the loud creak of his car.

Muge, was pacing the room, she knew this would not end well.

Sancar banged on the door, gediz went to open it. His heart racing and pounding every step he took towards the door, at the same time. He knew this was to happen. Sancar pushed gediz aside and went to nare pulled her by her arm to come with him. Nare pulled off from him 'Sancar' she screamed. ' you did not understand what I said we are married' he looked at gediz and went to him' so this is the game you played with her to release me' gediz remained quite and maintained a straight face.' I will settle the account with you later'

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