chapter 5

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For Melek, it had been a week, she hadn't seen her mother nor did she talk to her. But she wanted to talk to her now. She would often cry in the toilet. Everyone pretended to be good to her but she could feel the strange coldness in everyone's stance when she was around. May be she felt like that she is daughter of the lady who cheated people in mansion. Sometimes, Mrs.Halise would be slandering mum and gediz and had to be shushed by people around her when she came in.

When mum came, she felt obliged to not speak to her, to display her loyalty to her family and also the hurt that she nursed in her heart. Her mum always was with her, but why she did not tell her anything.

Today, she thought, she will talk to her.

Elvan, was sitting in her room, thinking about the events off lately. Suddenly, her last conversation with Nare flashed at her. In hospital's corridor, after Nare's father left, she sat slouched on the chair. Lines of tension marked on her face, Gediz pacing restlessly around her. She somehow felt that her father was pushing her for something and she was frustrated too and she blurted out to Nare 'Nare, give your father whatever he wants if that helps us get us out of the problem and sancar brother back' She remembered the surprised look on Nare's face and she looked at Gediz. Gediz looked back at her, like I was helping them make their decision. She started blurting loudly 'was he behind their marriage, was this the condition?'

Yahya cannot do all this. He is incapable of doing all this for his brother, he can fight with everyone but not find the proof of his innocence.

Why she did not think about this before? She appeared surprised at herself. She should ask Nare. Let her come today, poor soul must be hurting alone!

Nare, came again, took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Mrs. Halise knew it and she said loudly 'I am tired of this lady, she wouldn't give up on my grand daughter. little grand daughter at such a tender age she has to face betrayal from her mother. God give me patience and give my grand daughter strength'

Elvan opened the door and got her in. She hurriedly moved towards Melek's room and as they reached the door she pulled her aside. Nare was surprised by her gesture, she asked her surprisingly 'what is it Elvan? Is everything alright?'

'you first tell me, why did you hide it from me'


'don't act surprised, I know your father has blackmailed you into marrying Gediz'

Nare shushed her as she was taken aback by her statement and looked carefully around. 'who told you?'

'I know it, girl' Elvan got a confirmation in Nare's behaviour.

'Look Elvan, I don't know who told you, and how you gathered this , I have married gediz out of my choice' she turned and knocked on door again 'Melek, look my lovely' Elvan stood their looking at her and she knew she was lying.

Melek, came to the door and opened it. She stood there, hands folded. Nare couldn't believe her eyes. Melek had finally opened the door to her. She immediately, pulled her and hugged her, crying relentlessly. She smelled her, she felt home. She spoke between tears ' I cant believe it, I am touching you after so long. You don't know how It was living without you. I know you are upset, don't talk but see me.' She pulled out of hug and looked at her, she pushed her hair back from her face and said 'let me see how you look?'

Melek couldn't help herself and she hugged her back 'I missed you so much...I missed you a lot. Me and dad, are yearning for you mum, come back' and she cried ! big tears rolling down her cheeks, lightening the heaviness in her heart.

Nare looked at her helplessly. She had no answers. How can she say she can't come back. She stayed silent and said 'my lovely daughter, I will come back to be with you' she gently stroked her cheeks lovingly. She hugged her back again, melek hugged her too. Elvan got emotional seeing mother and daughter yearning for each other.

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