chapter 18

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Next day:

Nare got up to find Gediz already gone. When she checked her watch, it was 7:30 am. Gediz got up quite early. She got ready and went down to find Gediz in the garden on the chair sipping on his morning coffee.

She could hear birds chirping and warm summer morning, she blinked her eyes to adjust to the bright sunrays falling on her face. She partly hid her eyes with hands. It was indeed a lovely morning. She asked gediz ' good morning, you got up quite early today'

He turned around with a smile on his face said 'good morning, actually I slept a little late, I get up very early Nare'

Nare thought, how little did she know about him. Whenever she got up, he was never there. But she never knew he was an early riser.

'So are you excited about the day. You are going to start work again' he asked her, putting his coffee down on the brown wooden table.

Nare walked towards the table, Gediz turned back again to look ahead at the garden and the clear morning sky. Nare pulled up the chair and sat next to him facing the garden as well.

'I am ofcourse, so I got up early.'



Gediz got up to get coffee for her. He came back with another cup of coffee.

'what are you thinking?' anything to worry about' asked Nare

'no, I enjoy my morning coffee here whenever weather permits. I love the morning warmth of sun, it touches my soul'

'you are quite philosophical today'

Gediz smiled. ' I am like that Nare'

'Have you thought about, how you plan to start business again'

' I will make a plan'

'ok, lets leave in sometime and discuss how to begin and what will your steps be, and planning and aim..'


'you are taking a lot on your head, I will help you as much as I can'

'Thank you'

'Gediz..nare...breakfast is ready' called refika from inside 'do you want to eat outside'

'yes mum, lets eat breakfast here'

Nare and gediz reached the sadiclar marina in separate cars. They parked the car in front of the steps leading the stairs. Gediz took the keys out. There was no security guard manning the door, as he opened the door, the empty office was filled with dust. Gediz became a bit emotional, but he maintained a brave face. Nare and gediz exchanged glances, Nare kept her hand gently on his shoulder, providing him with the support she thought he may need it.

Gediz, found coming here more difficult than he thought. Images of successful and happy past weighed heavy against present. He headed straight to his office. He opened the door. The door opened with sound of hinges heard loudly. He looked at Nare. She followed gediz. The table, chair, the couch, everything was covered with dust.

Gediz looked around and said ' I don't think so you should stay here today. I will find someone to clean this place'

'gediz I will find someone, you don't worry'


Gediz called muge and asked if she can find someone to clean the office. She replied she can and in sometime two men arrived for cleaning. Gediz and Nare stood aside and they started to clean. Gediz supervised their cleaning. Meanwhile Nare opened the cupboards and tried looking for the documents that were there inside.

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