1- Intro

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Stella's P.O.V.

When I pictured my future growing up as a little girl, it was definitely a fairytale dream. Of course I wanted my Prince Charming to come rescue me from whatever mess life threw at me.

Mom and I would sit down and watch Disney movies whenever my brothers weren't home because they would never knowingly let me watch them.

It was odd I even liked those kinds of movies but that was the only girly thing I was really into because I was always trying to keep up with my two brothers. Tyson, is three years older and Luke, is a year older than me. We have always been extremely close with each other and they never cared that their little sister always tagged along with them.

I grew up hunting, wrestling, playing with trucks, climbing trees and watching sports. Playing with dolls was absolutely out of the question. I learned that the hard way on my seventh birthday when I asked for a Cinderella Barbie doll and her dress up clothes and Luke ended up burying my Cinderella doll in the mud.

I cried so hard. Both Tyson and Luke felt bad and the only way they could get me to stop crying was me dressing them both up like Cinderella herself since I didn't have a doll to play with anymore.

I might have overreacted a little bit but I got what I wanted... A picture with my brothers dressed up as Cinderella, eating and drinking tea with me.

They've never lived that down either.

As I grew older, I got over the Disney phase but still found my Prince Charming.

Or so I thought.

Roman Tate, my highschool sweetheart. We grew up together and he's been one of my best friends since grade school. When Roman and I started our freshman year of high school, he worked up enough courage to tell me how he felt about me and asked me out to the homecoming dance. I felt the same way about him so I said yes and that was it.

We dated all throughout high school. He was so amazing and treated me like a queen. We had the perfect cliché high school romance.

The night of our senior prom, I ended up getting pregnant. I knew this wasn't ideal but I loved Roman and he loved me. I knew this was just the start to our story.

What I didn't expect was for him to flip out when I told him.

That night broke me.

Instead of being there for me like I thought he was going to be, he got angry and even more when I told him I was keeping our baby.

Roman came around a few days later, apologizing and tried getting back together with me but the moment I told him I was still keeping the baby he got mad again and demanded for me to get an abortion.

My brother's went on a rampage. Luke took it the hardest because Roman and Luke became really good friends over the years being we were all so close in age. He couldn't believe Roman would do something like this to me. Trust me I couldn't either.

My parents even tried talking with Romans parents about the situation but they didn't care and told us they felt like I was trying to trap Roman.

I thought my dad was going to kill someone that night.

That was the last time I saw Romans parents. They never came to the hospital or stopped by, which I was okay with. I didn't need any of them.

It wasn't until I brought Claire, my beautiful daughter home from the hospital... alone, that I finally realized I didn't need a man to have a fairytale life.

Was it easy, hell no! It was hard, but I did it and I wouldn't trade Claire for anything in the world.

Between the baby shower with my family and friends, Claire was spoiled and pretty much set with everything she could possibly need right away.

Mom and Dad have been absolutely wonderful throughout all of this also. When I told them about the baby, they didn't show any disappointment towards me but that was probably because they had so much hate for Roman.

I took the first year off of college to be with Claire. I needed to learn how to be a Mom and settled into this new life. Once I was ready for school the following year, Dad and Mom paid my tuition like they did for my brothers.

Luckily I was able to build a small savings while pregnant, working at a restaurant as much as I could and then part time once I started school.

I put Claire in a daycare a few days a week and then my parents watched her the other days I had school.

My brothers even helped out when they could.

As for Roman, he went off to college and from what I heard is loving life.

Good for him. Note the sarcasm and eye roll.

It was now January and Claire just turned five years old. I couldn't believe how fast she was growing.

I never realized how much love one person could have for another human being. She was my world and I thank myself everyday for not letting her go.

***Few things***

Ally and Nic's story ended with them having three kids in the future... In this book it's not that far ahead. Nic was just traded to the Giants last year so they only have one girl in this book. (Didn't want you confused if you've read 'America's Sweetheart')

•Stella's EX will be an asshole. Just warning you.

I hope you guys enjoy the book.
Thank you for reading.

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