27- Go away

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Stella's P.O.V.

"Claire, you need to get up sweetie." I uncovered her for the second time this morning and tickled her feet. "Your clothes are at the end of the bed. Cole's making your breakfast, you know if you're not out there soon, he's going to eat it."

She started laughing. "I'm up."

"Good. I have to finish my hair, please don't lay back down."

I rushed into the bathroom. This morning after waking up, Cole followed me into the shower and we ended up having a not so quick, quicky.

I smiled at the thought.

I dried my hair and applied a little make-up. Putting everything away quickly I headed out to the kitchen, seeing Cole and Claire eating breakfast together.

"You want some cinnamon toast crunch?" Cole asked.

"No, just a coffee this morning. I already ate, remember?"

Cole smirked as his eyes followed me to the kitchen, grabbing a cup.

"What did you eat, Mommy?" Claire asked, innocently, making Cole choke on his cereal.

"Toast." I said quickly.


"It sure was. Anyways… Cole, would you like some coffee to take to work?"

He was still smirking, "No. This cup will be plenty. Thanks though."

Cole helped clean up the dishes as I grabbed Claire's school bag when she put her shoes on.


Claire nodded. Cole grabbed my purse and keys as we all walked out the door together, closing and locking it behind us.

Cole held Claire and my hand, walking down to where our cars were parked.

"This weekend went by way too fast." He said, pulling me in as I held Claire's hand so she couldn't run off.

"It did. Maybe you could come over for dinner after work sometime?"

He nodded, "I'll call you guys tonight and we'll set something up."

He leaned down, kissing me. When he finally broke the kiss, I pulled him back in again for more. I didn't care that we were both running late, my patient could wait.

"Fuck, I love kissing you." He whispered against my lips. "I don't want to leave. We could be sick today?"

I smiled against his lips. He placed his one hand against my cheek, while his thumb ran across my bottom lip.

"As tempting as that sounds, I can't. I've already had so much time off."

He groaned, "I know." He gave me another kiss before backing away. He knelt down to Claire, "Have a good day, Clairebear. I'll talk with you and your mommy tonight."

She gave him a quick hug and a kiss on his cheek. "Bye, Cole."

I put her in her carseat, giving Cole one last kiss before getting in and driving away.

I walked into work after dropping Claire off at school. "I'm so sorry I'm late. Such a crazy morning." I quickly went to my locker and grabbed my scrubs, put them on and headed out of the charging room.

"Your patient just got here. Did the boyfriend keep you up late last night?" Kelly asked.

I smiled at her, grabbing my patient's chart.

"You dog!" She squealed softly, nudging my shoulder.

I was still smiling as I opened the door calling my patient back.

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