2- Tired

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Stella's P.O.V.

"All right Mr. Johnson, remember what Dr. Callahan said, if you have any more problems with that tooth make sure you call us, okay?"

I smiled politely at my patient as I handed him his bag of floss and a toothbrush.

"I will, dear." He leaned in. "Just so you know, you're my favorite hygienist."

I started laughing as I walked him up to the front. "I won't tell the other girls as long as you don't tell anyone you're my favorite patient."

Mr. Johnson threw his head back laughing. "Liar, but deal."

We got to the front still chuckling. "Kelly, we're going to see Mr. Johnson back in six months for another cleaning."

"Sounds good." Kelly said as she typed away at her computer to get him scheduled.

I turned towards Mr. Johnson, "I'll see you this summer." I gave him one more smile and went back into my room to start cleaning it for my next patient.

I got a job at Callahan Dental right out of hygiene school. I met my boss, Nathan, during college. We both had a math and science class together and found out we were in the same field and hit it off. It's always been a friendship between us, plus he was engaged to Kelly and we all became really good friends.

Nate was a few years ahead of me in school and told me once I graduated to come in and meet his Dad; because it was his Dad's practice that Nate would take over someday. I did and got a job right away.


"What's up boss?"

"It's still weird that you call me that."

"Well you are." I chuckled as I wiped down my room.

"Kelly and I are going to have a few friends from college over on Saturday. Would you and Claire like to come over?"

"Oh, that sounds fun. Yes, we'd love to. Is there anything you'd like me to bring?"

"I know this is lame but what about your special brownies?"

I gave him a skeptical look. "Like... my very special brownies from college or?"

He busted out laughing, "Stella!"

"Well I'm very confused because we've had both."

"Unfortunately I didn't mean those, those days are over for me. I meant the ones you had at Claire's birthday party a few weeks ago."

I was still laughing, "Yes, I can definitely bring those."

"Awesome. I'll have Kelly let you know a time for sure since she's organizing this."

"Sounds good, Boss."

He walked out of the room and I finished cleaning, getting everything ready for my last patient of the day.

After work, I drove to Claire's after school daycare to pick her up.

"Mommy!" She yelled, happily as she ran and jumped into my arms.

I squeezed her tight. "Hi baby girl. I missed you so much today."

I gave her a quick kiss before we went over to her little cubby to grab her things.

"Good afternoon Ms. Collins."

"Good afternoon. How was Claire?"

"She was good, like always. I noticed she was a little tired this afternoon when she got her after school though. She sat down and played by herself for a little bit while she had a snack. I took her temperature but it was normal. It just wasn't like her."

Number 4Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora