13- Healing

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Cole's P.O.V.

Fuck that hurts.

I hit the button on my bed so I sat up a little bit.

"Honey, let me help you." Mom said, adjusting my pillows.

"Thank you."

"Do you need anything else?"

"No. They just gave me more pain meds. I should be good in a few minutes."

At least that's what I was hoping for anyway.

"How's Claire? Any word on her yet?"

"No. Your dad walked past the family a little bit ago, Claire was still in surgery." Mom said, giving me a sympathetic look.

I reached over and grabbed my phone off the tray next to my hospital bed. Claire should have been out of surgery by now.

No messages from Stella either. Why would she message me now though? I put my phone down at my side, I wanted to ask Stella how Claire was doing but figured I would wait a little to see if she texted first. I didn't want to bother her right now if Claire was still in surgery.

"Some of your friends are here too. Were going to leave and let them visit for a while. If you need anything let us know, otherwise we will be here tomorrow morning. Take it easy."

"I will."

Dad smiled at me as mom kissed the top of my head and walked out together.

About ten minutes later Nic, Jordan, Jamie and a few of my friends from high school all walked in.

"How are you feeling?" Nic asked.

"Horrible. Don't tell my mom that though." I admitted.

Jordan started laughing, "You'll never believe who just ran into me. Like literally... right into me."



"Stella? What happened? She didn't recognize anyone, did she?" I wasn't sure if she would remember some of them from the bar or Nic. Everyone knew who Nic was, especially with her being from New York.

"I don't think so, Nic kept his head down and was more behind her but she sure eyed Jordan." Jamie said, nudging Jordan's shoulder.

I'll admit, that kind of made me a little jealous. He was happily married but it still bothered me that she would look at him like that.

"Don't take that the wrong way, Cole." Jordan said, shaking his head. "She did look at me but she wasn't checking me out. I think she was trying to put a name to my face. She didn't look very good, she had been crying and then she hit me pretty hard when she turned but I caught her."

"What did she say to you?"

"She apologized and then some guy got her attention because Doctor Foster had come out to talk to her about Claire, so she took off."

I hit the call button on my remote button. A few minutes later a nurse came in, "Do you need something Cole? More water?"

"No, I'm wondering how Claire's doing?"

"I'm sorry, I can't go over that information with you since you chose to stay anonymous. I'll call the patient's doctor and maybe they can help answer your questions."

That's fucking stupid.

I picked up my phone.

Me- Hey Blondie. Just seeing how you and Claire are doing?

I put my phone down and waited patiently for a response.

Stella's P.O.V. (2 days later)

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