11- I want to help

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Cole's P.O.V.

I was laying in bed after my dinner with Stella. I ate way too much and should have probably stopped half way through but she finally started eating and I wanted her to continue. I loved sitting there talking with her, even if some of it was sad.

Now I couldn't get Stella off my mind.

That helpless look. That look in her beautiful eyes as she talked about her daughter. That laugh and that drop dead gorgeous smile of hers.

But her ex. What a fucking asshole he was.

The next morning I went into the gym early. I was meeting the guys here but wanted to get a head start.

I could barely sleep because I kept thinking about everything Stella and her daughter was going through and what I could do to help.

"Hey, Owens. What the hell dude? Why did you come early? Nic asked as they all walked inside.

I stopped hitting the punching bag and looked up at them.


"Everything alright?" Jamie asked.

"Didn't it go well with that girl last night?" Jordan asked.

"Girl, what girl?" Asher questioned.

"That blonde from the bar last weekend came into the restaurant we ate at last night." Nic said as he eyed me.

I took off my gloves and started smiling.

"Ohhhhh, it did go well. I figured it did because when we left you both were smiling. At least she didn't bite your head off like she did at the bar." Nic teased as he nudged my shoulder.

"Actually she sort of did at first. She asked if I was stalking her." I laughed at the thought. "Then she apologized and we ended up having a nice conversation."

"What's the blonde's name?" Nic asked.

"Stella Collins."

"Good lord, stop smiling." Nic tried pushing my shoulder again but I slapped his hand away, making him laugh. "Does she know who you are?"

I shook my head, "No, I don't think so."

Which I was pretty excited about because I never knew if a woman liked me for me or the fact I was a famous football player.

"I was going to text you this morning and ask you how it went with her but wasn't sure if you were still with her or not?" Nic wiggled his eyes over at me.

I shook my head, "Nothing happened."

"Boring!" Jamie teased.

"It's not like I wouldn't have-" I stopped myself. "Her daughter is sick. She needs a kidney transplant and that guy that stormed away last night was the father of that little girl and he refuses to help her."

"What?" They all said, looking over at me, equally confused as I was.

"Yeah I know. Apparently he doesn't have anything to do with either of them. I just can't stop thinking about that and how selfish that prick is."

"That really sucks man."

"Yeah." I paused for a second. "I'm going in to get tested today to see if I'm a match. I probably won't but I want to do something."

"You're going to great lengths to get inside this mom's pants." Jamie teased.

I punched his shoulder hard. "Honestly, that's not why I'm doing this. That little girl is five years old. If she doesn't find a donor, she's going to die."

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