10- Good news

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Stella's P.O.V.

The next morning after meeting with Roman, I told my parents everything that had happened with him.

Then I told my brothers when they came over. That in itself was stressful and Claire didn't understand any of it. Plus, it wasn't good for Claire to see us upset since she had enough to worry about.

I finally got everyone calmed down because nothing was going to change with Roman and they needed to accept it like I had to.

If I couldn't get Roman to change his mind, nobody was going to.

It was now Wednesday afternoon, which meant I had the rest of the week off to snuggle with Claire and give my mom a little break.

I was finishing up on my last patient of the day when Kelly peeked her head into my room, "Stella, you have a phone call on line two."

I looked up. "Who is it?"

"Doctor Foster."

Panic set in. Mom must have taken Claire to the hospital. I didn't have my cell phone on me so I was assuming the worst.

"Bea, I have to take this phone call. I'll be right back."

"Angie can actually finish you up Bea. Will that be alright?" Kelly asked my patient as I washed my hands.

"Yes, that's fine."

I quickly told Angie what still needed to be done as I dried my hands off. I walked into the breakroom, closing the door behind me.

I took a deep breath and picked up line two.

"This is Stella."

"Stella this is Doctor Foster calling. I have some good news."

"Good news?"

"We had a group of young men come in here over the weekend and got tested to see if they were a match to Claire. We found a match, Stella."

"What?" I covered my mouth as I started to cry. I leaned up against the break room wall and slowly lowered myself down. "Are you serious?"

"I'm serious." He said, happily. "I even double checked and I've already talked with the donor, everything is set we just need to get them ready. I'd like you to bring Claire in tomorrow morning at 9am to start getting her prepped. Will that work?"

"Yes, of course. We'll be there. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I want you to continue with her medication tonight but nothing in the morning. I'll be starting her on a new medication tomorrow and then hopefully in a few days as long as everything still looks good, I'll do the transplant."


"Great, We'll see you tomorrow."


I lowered the phone to my side and sat there and cried.

There was a match.

I continued to cry, not because I was sad but because God finally had answered my prayers. I know Claire still had another obstacle to overcome but we were finally moving in the right direction and Claire's chance at a full and happy life.

I don't know how long I cried for before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Nate was kneeling down beside me looking worried when I looked up at him. "Stella, what happened?"

"They found a match for her." I cried out as he wrapped his arms around me.

I hugged him back, sobbing into his shoulder. "Stel, this is great news. Thank God."

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