Chapter-4 The Prophecy

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“The city looks so lively today?” Taehyung says looking around in amazement at the colorful decorations hanging on the street of the central square. The front gates of the palace were opened for people to join the Royal family in the celebrations of the harvest festival. The locals were all dressed their best and waited patiently to get a glimpse of their God and hear his voice. “Last time I came here it was not a pleasant experience” Taehyung recalls pulling his bamboo hat that Jimin brought for him to cover his face, he also tied his hair up to not get much attention. Jimin also advised him to wear women's clothing but it was dismissed as soon heard by Taehyung, finally, this was found as best to not reveal much of him to the public. They walk slowly looking around at the deliciously smelling food and the crowd overly enthusiastic, beautiful, and glowing maidens walking around the street carrying baskets of flowers, people conversing and kids running around.

Taehyung passes by them hearing one of the girls say “This is for General, maybe this time he will notice me” her companion comments saying “Yeah, as if you will live after that” her friend laughs at the words, Taehyung hesitates as he hears this, should he be here or not, he thinks, hearing about the person.

Jimin who was watching around finds a kid eating sweets, he smirks and walks up to the kid. Taehyung who wanted to tell Jimin to flee from here as soon as they see the General turns back and finds him nowhere he looks around and thinks that the demon finally left him alone, just as he was about to leave a sigh of relief Jimin appears in front of him, he opens his mouth to speak but is fed with something. As if on instinct he tastes and chews it looking bewildered at the smiling Jimin, soon his eyes go wide as the sweet taste spreads in his mouth, he licks his lips, looking at Jimin with wide curious eyes and asking for more, Jimin laughs shaking his head.

“His highness, I am sorry but I could only manage to steal one from the child before he could notice” Taehyung coughs realizing he had just eaten a stolen food, and glares at Jimin, who shrugs it like nothing, a naughty demon is never to be relied on.

“How come your master is not looking for you?” Taehyung asks viewing around and walking alongside Jimin, both used to the glances of the maidens walking past them.

Jimin grunts in annoyance “Let him look for me, it is his fault in the first place” he pauses and thinks then questioning back Taehyung “Say His Highness have you had a partner? Did you two ever fight?”

“Partner…fight” Taehyung looks at him with big wondering eyes making Jimin click his tongue in disapproval “Look at you what is the use of such position when you can’t even have some fun” Taehyung starts walking faster not wanting to listen anymore his senses told him nothing good is going to come out of this demon’s mouth.

He forgets where he is walking, a loud sound of drum beating starts, and the people around especially the ladies rejoice pushing forwards taking Taehyung with them, he tries to get away without any success. In the next moment, he bumps into a woman, her basket slips from her hand Taehyung tries to catch it back and help the woman who would have thought that as soon as he took it in his hold, he was pushed again and the flowers scatter all over on the face of the man riding a black horse. The ladies gasps, the blush creeping their faces faster than Taehyung could imagine watching the scene. The blue and white robes of Jeongguk shines as the daylight falls on him, accentuating his features, the purple petals fall on his shoulders, the head finally lands on the dark mane of his horse. Jeongguk dusts them off harshly, looking at the person who dared to do it, the maidens all take several steps back in fear, leaving only Asil there. Taehyung who was standing there meets his cold glaring gaze and almost sweats, he unintentionally gives this General, reasons to be angry with him. He hears the laughter of the troop, another warrior amused by the scene breaks the silence “The locals admire our General” the soldiers behind all laugh loudly at that.

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