Chapter-10 Devil of Lust

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“The pleasure is mine”

She chuckles hearing it, eyes shining in amusement. Jimin and Yoongi gawk at their leader and the woman in astonishment. Jimin turns to face Yoongi, seeing that he is not alone to be surprised and unable to take the scene he clinks his glass with the human and drinks the content fully not knowing how else to react, Yoongi coming out of his stupor copies him. 

"Tell me young man what's your wish, your desire to be'' She asks softly with so much love and warmth that it affects all the people present there. Their curious gazes fall on Taehyung. 

This place was bigger than expected, it had many rooms, and held many captives to run the business, there were both men and women involved, the rooms seemed to be all busy, the gazes of the people noticing him were not human, or were only half-human, the gentry here were all involved in obscene activities, there were different kinds of lewd noises coming before but now eerie silence filled the place as if they have either gone or made quiet. 

Taehyung didn't have any special target in mind among the seven devils when he came here but he expected one to be present. After looking at the surrounding he knew this place is taken over by Volupdeus, the Devil of Lust, he has a strong desire for everything, he even tried to lure his devil brothers into sins with him, he was the one to instigate and change minds of angels, helping his brothers to take power.

Taehyung looks up at the alluring woman and makes a sad face as if he is tired and gloomy and has stopped believing in good things "Will it come true?" He asks, sadness filled in his voice. Jimin gulps another glass of wine watching His Highness. He will report this to Namjoon and tell him their view of the Prince is not all fitting. 

The woman chuckles lightly sitting back straight, she puts the harp in position again.

A drunk man stands up quite offended with Taehyung's answer "How dare you common man insult our Lady Lliira, I wish to spend my every night with her, want her to warm my bed, her beauty and body only belongs to me in return she will be the queen of my household loaded with richness" The other high ranked drunk men shout in a protest hearing him say that, they say they will take her and she is theirs as promised by her and the arguments lead to pushes and punches thrown at each other to show their power causing chaos. Jimin and Yoongi also join in wanting to really punch some sense into them and also protecting the Prince who just enjoys the wine, not bothered by the scene.

Lliira plucks the strings several times, the strong music makes them quiet, diverting their attention "If your wishes are sincere they will be granted" She smiles, her face showing arrogance "Even if it involves me" 

Taehyung chuckles when hearing it, low, vibrant, youthful, his face glowing in the dark and sinful place. She glances at him "You don't believe me?" She asks as she softly plays music and turns her gaze towards Yoongi and Jimin and then back to Taehyung. "But there is always a condition"

"Of course" Taehyung comments.

She leans in again, addicted to being close to the immortal, and presses her nail lightly on his cheek, traveling slowly down to his chin, her eyes shining with greed as if touching a treasure, face to face with the Prince, faint citrus smell travels to Taehyung and men behind him, all intoxicated and feeling reactions in their lower body, Yoongi was no better. She lifts her eyes slowly and shyly making contact with the Prince, her thumb travels up to touch those inviting lips that have tasted the wine, Taehyung stops her hand, pushing it away with a small smile. She doesn't mind, it was like this special guest was making her drunk in desires, she whispers, eyes not leaving those lips.

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