Chapter- 23 My dear General

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Jeongguk sniffs registering the fragrance of flowers, it is comforting and feels like home, he smiles, inhaling deeply, filling his lungs with the sweet scent. He was having trouble sleeping, whichever side he tried to sleep it didn’t work, his mind was filled with thought making him unable to get rest, uneasiness and disappointment filled in his heart, he was sure he won’t be able to rest but his mind took pity on him and finally he went to a deep slumber and the next moment the fragrance filled his room, senses, and mind.

 “Are you not going to open your eyes?” 

The velvety voice of Taehyung makes him open his eyes in shock. The first thing that comes to his view is the pale tint of orange in the sky caused by the setting sun, the clouds greet him, moving happily to wherever the wind takes them, white and soft like the voice he heard, suddenly remembering the reason he opened his eyes he turns his head to the right and finds Taehyung lying next to him looking at the sky above. Jeongguk was bewildered, he glances at his surrounding, they were lying in a field full of white flowers. He stares speechless, remembering clearly where they were when he went to sleep. Taehyung turns to him with a smile on his face, bright and beautiful like the field. 

“I am dreaming again?” He mumbles to himself, like a scolding for thinking of the angel again in his dream. Taehyung says nothing but his smile widens, he was holding the stem of the flower, looking at the bright petals, and hits on Jeongguk’s forehead with it, bringing the General out of his thoughts.

“Have you ever been to a beautiful place like this before?” Taehyung asks him, inhaling deeply the scent of flowers around them, he seemed to be liking the place. Jeongguk stares at the handsome man in front of him and nods hesitantly.

“Behind my house in Amarus”, He answers. Taehyung chuckles hearing it and turns to look at the sky again. 

“It is beautiful,” He says while smelling the flower in his hand.

“Am I dreaming of you?” Jeongguk asks lost in the view.

“Are you disappointed? You looked uneasy a while ago, were you not able to sleep?” Taehyung enquires looking at those dark, clear eyes.

Jeongguk hesitates, he was not sure how the angel knows and asked this question but if this is his dream he can make Taehyung ask that and even show concern for him, his ears turn red thinking about it “No, you are just my dream…I…I am happy it is you I am seeing” Taehyung stares at him, he turns his body facing Jeongguk, resting his head on his palm, and again hits Jeongguk on the chest, several times with the flower.

“You are very interesting,” Taehyung says a little amused as if knowing what is going on in his head “Why didn’t you show this place to me when we were at your house?” He raises his brow, blue eyes showing a hint of teasing, looking like the waves occurring in an ocean.

A silly question but Jeongguk still answers, it was his dream and his thoughts that he can’t ignore, “We were not friendly” he meets the eyes of Taehyung that were serene like the sea.

“And now we are, very friendly and close?” Taehyung asks, his amusement reaching the eyes.

“Whatever you want it to be” Jeongguk answers. Taehyung’s gaze deepens as he tries to understand the meaning behind these words, then hits Jeongguk again. Jeongguk holds his hand this time, showing his bold side that he very much resists in front of real Taehyung to not scare him away.

“What do you want me to be?” He asks, meeting Taehyung’s eyes looking deeply into them, and then to their hands, his gaze returns to Taehyung “Can I?” He asks. Taehyung frowns hearing it but nods.

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