Chapter-46 The 'fallen' angel

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The first thing Jimin notices as the spell is cast off and his vision clears is Jeongguk handing the sword slowly to Taehyung’s hand. Jimin wanted to move forward and stop the General but he was stuck in his place as their eyes meet and Jeongguk gestured for him to be where he is and mouths an apology before a smile graces his lips. He closes his eyes and hugs the Prince, the sword piercing through his heart as he falls into Taehyung’s embrace. 

Jeongguk felt he had seen a miracle in form of Taehyung, he also felt like his shadow can cause darkness in other lives thus, decided to stay away from people until he met the angel. Since then his view changed, he wanted nothing more but to protect Taehyung at all costs and wanted to see him return home safely. For Jeongguk this death was honorable, to die in the arms of the one you love…he didn’t deserve this but God finally showed some mercy on him and gave him a chance, he closes his eyes without any regrets and resentment.

Jimin cries in fear seeing the scene and calls for Taehyung but his voice was not reachable to the Prince. It was not until all of them recovered from the spell that the Prince finally shows some movement and when he sees what he has done, hurt, betrayal and devastation was all he felt. Jimin could feel it too, how powerless an immortal can be in certain situations. They were all immortals here with powers above humans but none of them could surpass mortal death. He cries seeing and hearing his Prince’s wails. He had always been stubborn, in his view as a demon you constantly need to just snatch what is yours, take it anyhow but being with his friends he realized what a beauty sacrifice holds for its loved ones. Jimin realized what love by humans is, what love by a Prince is, he turns to Namjoon and wipes his tears looking at the demon king. At this moment other things seemed temporary and materialistic, he wanted to reach out and tell the demon king that he would be more obedient, and behave well as long as the demon is by his side.

Jeongguk’s sacrifice was not in vain as soon as the devil of wrath dies, the army of devils disintegrates like dust. Eiji and his few men that were left there having an intense battle with the enemy were rendered speechless. He looks up at the sky, the sun coming back again from the shadow, his disciple and that immortal didn’t let him down, Eiji thinks with slight relief. The mortals all celebrate happily having hope of life in the intense situation.

While inside the palace, the scene was opposite. Pride was weakened considerably giving advantage to Namjoon over him. Hansen was outraged and seethes as he feels a burning in his body, the sins that flowed through him were taken away by the immortal, even in his weakest form Taehyung had an upper hand on him. In frustration and hunger to take down the angel, he decides to join in the battle directly and kill the wounded Prince who seemed to have lost his sense at the moment and was just digging on the ground calling the General’s name.

He changes to his devil form and approaches Taehyung. Jimin tries every method he can to bring back Taehyung out of the shock but fails. He was frustrated and angry but seeing the devil approaching them he feels a sudden fear. He calls for Taehyung again but gets no attention, the Prince was not in the mindset to hear anyone, he like a madman was just trying to find the remains of the General. He was sure that this is just an illusion and will break if he is determined enough.

Getting no response he tries to block the devil’s path. Being no match to the Devil King he knew he can’t out-beat him. The devil spares him no glance and pushes him away reaching out to grab Taehyung by the collar of his robe pulling him up from the ground, his eyes dark meeting the dull blue of Taehyung’s. The Prince looked pitiful, robe stained in blood and mud, eyes downcast, lips pale, face still stained with blood, fingers, and nail wounded and bleeding, it was difficult to distinguish whether it was his or the General’s blood on his body. His eyes were still staring at the place Jeongguk was before, not blinking or moving until the Devil says to him-

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