Chapter-30 Kingdom in ruins, heart at unease

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Yoongi opens his eyes slowly, his head still dizzy as he tries to sit up. The sun was shining brightly, the daylight was warm and penetrating, he touches his head that was spinning feeling like needles pricking his body he hears the voices of others around him and finds them standing not far from him. Near him were the humans laying unconscious whom Taehyung saved before and around them were also demons sitting and trying to attend to their wounds, they were heavily wounded, Yoongi moves his eyes away not able to watch it anymore. The place he was at present seemed to be different than the one they were in before, he had no idea how they ended up here as he moved his gaze and saw the ruins, animal carcasses, and human skeletons lying not far from him, the trees were bare and dead, the dry air brought with it the smell of the dead kingdom, Yoongi scrunched his nose.

“Why is there so much noise?” He asks a bit irritated, the voices felt like killing him at this moment, this was the side effect of being too long affected by the devil.

Jimin turns happily to face him. Yoongi was unconscious for a long time and has missed quite an action, “You are awake.” The demon chirps.

Yoongi nods his head lightly, his eyes were still not able to adjust to the surroundings and the shooting pain in the head was making it worse, but through all the suffering he was able to make sense of a few things and says, “I knew you would kill that deviless, she was no good.” He was sure they are safe from the devil as the tone of Jimin looked relaxed and happy.

“Nobody talks about mommy like that.” Yoongi hears the child’s voice and squints to look clearly. He was bewildered; he can clearly recall there was no child present in the palace, so how come one is standing in front of him? What exactly happened here? Having so many questions he asks immediately the one that was jumping in the front row in his mind.

“Who is he? Where did this person come from?” He studies the child that was wearing royal robes. At that time several other humans stir back to their consciousness, some of them wake up and tremble as they see the group, their faces horror-stricken asking for mercy and help, they were shaken to the bone. Taehyung walks towards them he sees the girl he saved scared by the presence of Namjoon and other wounded demons. Taehyung smiles lightly, handing her the fan she gave her before, nobody knows when he got the time to pick it up but there it was back to its owner.

“Rest assured, we are not here to harm, this is just like a bad dream, after taking rest you will not remember much” As soon as the words come out of his lips, Orru splits up and enters the humans in the form of a golden wisp, the humans cry in pain and cough out blood, one of them shouts in agony and starts withering.

“He is a deviare” Namjoon explains to the onlookers. They watch quietly as the rest of the humans survive and pass out immediately in deep slumber. It was a small success for them to save at least these mortals from the devil but looking back at the Kingdom and the lost lives, this number was not enough to call for celebration. Taehyung gets up dusting his hands.

“They will be fine when they get up.” He says.

“What about him?” Yoongi points to the child, he knew this child is not normal. A normal child in these circumstances would not be so calm and have such an arrogant look on his face, moreover, he said something about his mother, Yoongi was afraid to conclude and wanted to directly get answers from his group. They all turn to the devil child, who was now having a sullen face, not happy with anyone present there, not satisfied with their act and treatment either.

“He is a devil. This Prince was able to sense his presence but didn’t expect to encounter him in this form, he is not that harmful anymore except for his behavior, he was the one behind the illusions, all this time whatever anyone ate and drank was provided by him and obtained from him…” Taehyung looks carefully at Jimin and Yoongi then says cautiously, “we were in his stomach. His name is Adapheus.” Taehyung informs them. The human stares at the devil with wide eyes. The little devil was very satisfied with the expressions of the human and gives a lopsided grin.

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