Chapter 16 - Annihilation of Two Armies (Part 2)...

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Ha! Happy April Fools mah dudes! I know that some of you already know the date but for the others is a prank, I'm not gonna leave this story without finishing it, I "purposely" didn't update this book so that you guys thought that I actually left the book and a message at conversation. Makes sense? Of course, it doesn't!

Anyways, thx to for proofreading and fixing my mistakes in this chapter, kudos to him :D

Hi! This is FooterHooter, "The Editor." See the end of this story for my note!

Quick Recap on: A New Age of Warfare

For the last 2 days since the last transmission from Town Krill, the two armies have arrived on the flatlands of Town Krill just 10km away from the town itself. However, the two Quan armies encountered the Aurorans. The Quan armies took their defensive formations and braced for an attack.

However, they didn't know that they would be defeated and stop their advance to the Grizalan Kingdom...

Let the slaughter begin...


Talking: "Hello how are you? I'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "I'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


Location: Western Flatlands, Grizalan Kingdom

Date: November 13, 904

Time: 12:52 AM

3rd P.O.V.


When Colonel Pol shouted to his commanding army, the whole 7th army division began to stand their ground from the incoming enemy force. Light Infantry raised their shields, archers pointed their bows at the charging force and the incoming Stukas. Mages let out a series of spells ranging from attacking spells to healing spells. Heavy Infantry raised their heavy weapons when they needed to assist the frontlines.

Colonel Pol heard a shout from his right as Colonel Ignus shouted the same thing that he said. As a result, the whole 8th army division got ready themselves. The 2 armies were now ready for the incoming attack. However, the army that was charging at them stopped and as they stopped 2000m away from them, very far away from bow range making both divisions tense.

"What the goddess are they doing?" Colonel Pol thought as he looked at the former charging enemy, just 2000m away from them, far exceeding the range of the archers and even the mages to even harm them to some extent.

"Colonel, why did they stop?" his SO asked him as he looked at the army that was charging at them, even their metallic beasts stopped with people dismounting from it.

"I don't know," he then looked at the army in front of them, he saw something different from the army, "Those grey-clothed soldiers are similar to the ones we saw earlier, but who are these new brown coated soldiers?" Colonel Pol asked his SO who was looking at the army.

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