13. Mutual Disinterest

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"Clementine said there's something I can do to get you people out of my house faster?" informed Christa as she glared at her captors.

"Right," answered Pete. "Well the thing is, I want to make sure we got enough food and clean water to last us and them for at least a few days."

"For them?" asked Carlos. "Why—"

"That part ain't up for debate," stated Pete in a firm voice. "The thing is, we could get a lot more done today if there were more than two of us making the trip. So I was thinking, she could look after Sarah, and you—"

"Are you insane?" barked Carlos. "Leave her alone, with Sarah?"

"Don't worry," retorted Christa. "I won't lock her in a shed while you're gone."

"Come on Carlos," urged Pete. "You really think she'd try anything with Sarah?"

"She's not the one I have a problem with," stated Christa.

"No, it's us," said Carlos. "And you could use Sarah to get at me while I'm gone, or just ambush all of us when we get back. This is the exact reason I've been staying here while you two are gone, to make sure she or her girl doesn't try anything."

"He's got a point," noted Nick.

"You're taking his side?" griped Pete.

"I ain't taking sides," insisted Nick. "I'm just saying, leaving them alone isn't the best idea. If they wanted to get back at us, this would definitely be the time to do it."

"Exactly," said Carlos.

"Well if you're worried about that maybe you shouldn't have barged in here in the first place," snapped Christa.

"You see, this is exactly why I proposed this," spoke a weary Pete. "I figured you'd both be eager to get away from each other a day sooner."

"And you also think I'd want to leave my daughter with the very same people I want to be rid of?" asked Carlos.

"What if I went with you?" suggested Clementine.

"What!" exclaimed Christa. "No, absolutely not."

"I can get water and food," insisted Clem.

"I like that better than Pete's idea," said Carlos.

"Well too bad, because we're not doing that," stated Pete.

"Why? Because it's too dangerous?" mocked Clementine.

"Because physics," answered Pete. "I get you're a tough kid, but someone your size can't carry half as much as someone Carlos's size."

"And half of that even when you consider her arm." Clementine tried to say something, but couldn't think of a rebuttal. Instead, she just crossed her arms in disappointment.

"How bout this?" suggested Pete. "I was gonna leave a couple of fish traps for the pair of ya, so how bout you come with me?" Pete gestured to Christa. "I can show you how they work, and the two of us could carry enough back to eat. Nick, you and Carlos could carry the water back."

"And what, leave Sarah alone?" asked Carlos.

"Not alone." Pete looked over to Clementine.

"Me?" she asked.

"Her?" reiterated Carlos in a less friendly voice.

"She could keep Sarah company for the day while the rest of us are getting what we need. Christa would be with me, and Nick with you, so all of us got a reason to cooperate just long enough to make it to tomorrow morning. So unless you're willing to just bring Sarah with us—"

Young and Young at Heart (The Rewrite of The Walking Dead Game: S2) [TWDG/TWD]Where stories live. Discover now