55. Still a Prison

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Clementine struggled with all her might as someone held her wrists. She started thrashing her legs about, desperate to escape.

"Help!" screamed Clementine at the top of her lungs. "Somebody help me!"

"Clementine!" called a familiar voice. "Stop!" As Clementine opened her eyes, she saw Christa standing over her, holding her wrists in place. It was morning now, and Clem found herself lying in her bed.

"Christa?" asked a confused Clementine.

"Yeah," reassured a worried Christa. "You started kicking me in your sleep. Then you started screaming."

"I... I did?"

"Yeah, you must've been having a nightmare." Christa released Clementine's wrists.

"Are... are you sure?" asked a still terrified Clem. "I mean, are you sure nobody came in here?"


"I don't know, somebody." Clem frantically searched the area for any signs of an intruder. "You didn't hear anything?"

"Just you screaming a minute ago."

"I... I wasn't in a different bed was I?" asked Clem as she looked around. "Or, did it look like somebody put me back in this bed? Or—"

"Clementine, I still had my arms around you when you woke up," assured Christa as she sat down next to Clem. "You've been right here all night." Clem threw arms around Christa and started sobbing quietly on the woman's shoulder. "It's okay sweetie. I'm right here."

"I hate this place," wept Clem.

"Yeah, me too." Looking over at Carlos, Christa stood up and examined the wounded man. The crude bandage she made was bloodied now, but it did appear to stop further bleeding. "Carlos?" said Christa as she shook him gently.

"He... he okay?" asked Nick. "Should we untie him?"

"Carlos?" repeated Christa "Can you hear me?"

Carlos moaned softly as he opened his uncovered eye. "Where... where am I?" he asked in a quiet voice.

"You're in the pen." Carlos turned his head and buried his eye in the pillow, as if he wished he hadn't woken up.

"Give us a second, we'll untie you." Nick and Christa undid the ties around Carlos's wrists and ankles. Free to move, Carlos slowly rolled onto his side, where he simply remained.

"Away from the door." Clem watched as Maude, Lloyd, Tom and Consuelo entered the pen, Edmund pushing his cart right behind them. "Hurry up and get your breakfast." Clem and the others got their plate and their cup of water. Clementine ate quickly, finding herself very hungry and thirsty having eaten nothing since lunch yesterday. As she ate she couldn't help noticing Matt was angrily staring at her, holding just a cup of water in his hand.

"Carlos, get up and get your water." Carlos didn't move in response to Maude's order. "I said get up!" Slowly Carlos crawled out of bed and approached Maude, who thrust a cup into his hands. He hastily drank it and handed the cup back. "Everyone finish up. Kids are with me. Lloyd takes Carlos, Tom gets Nick, and Consuelo is taking you to Bill." Maude pointed at Christa.

"Me?" asked Christa. "What for?"

"That's his business," answered Maude. "He said he wanted to see you after he finished his morning announcements."

"Come on fella," prodded Lloyd as he took a hunched over Carlos by the arm. "Bill said if you're up for it, he wanted you to inventory and label the tools in the hospital."

"Matt, Clem, start marching." Clementine headed out of the gate with Matt and started moving towards where Gene taught his classes.

"Rise and shine everyone!" called Bill's voice over the megaphone. "Hopefully the weather didn't keep you up because we got plenty to do today, just like any day. However, we have a new resident to help us shoulder the burden. Our former resident doctor, not content with just abandoning us, moved on to plotting against us yesterday, ready to kill any one of you who got in his way.

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